
Scrap365 & Silhouette / GraphtecUK

Today I was flicking through the latest issue of Scrap365 magazine and this caught my eye...

At the end of last year Karine at Graphtec had asked if she could use a pic of one of my scrapbook layouts for an ad she was doing, of course I said yes, and here it is!

This is the layout...
and a few close ups...
This was made using the Documented365 range and my instagram pictures along with a few other bits and pieces, I think it's one of my favourite recent layouts, it makes me realise how much I've missed scrapbooking these last few weeks when I've been too busy to do any - must make some studio time this week!

Today has been a very busy day, I had a visitor from a print company that I use who filmed a little behind the scenes video here at Hurley HQ and then I spent the afternoon working on lots of new things, there are so many exciting new things in the pipeline, it literally makes my tummy flip to think about it all!

Now I must be off, I'm going to have dinner with B tonight as due to C&C last week, my sister staying over the weekend and a very busy start to the week, I've barely seen him or Fuzzybutt, I will be back to the drawing board later though!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Create & Craft Show Update!

As you know, if you've been watching my Promarker 4 Day Deal shows on Create & Craft, stock was very limited when I left last night and I was told it was unlikely I would be back today, I've just had it confirmed this morning that there are only a handful of sets left which will probably all sell out before I could get there, so no shows for me today!

I'll be back soon, but in the meantime, if you were hanging on, now is definitely the time to get them!

If you were planning on emailing in to the show today with your questions etc... please leave them here in the comments and I will do a post in a couple of days answering them all and try to cover them on my next show.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in and emailed in, I've loved reading every single one of your lovely comments and looking at your work too.

Thanks for dropping by today!
Sarah x

p.s. I've updated the colour chart in my previous post!
p.p.s you still have a couple of days to enter the draw for a set of Flexmarkers (see 2 posts back!)

Spring / Summer 2013 Promarker Colour Chart *UPDATED*

Firstly, a BIG thank you to everyone who has been watching and emailing in to the Promarker shows on Create & Craft, just two more days to go so if you have any questions, please do email them into the studio during the hours and I'll try to answer as many of them as possible!

I promised I would put the colour chart up for you, so here it is...
Just click on the picture, right click, save and print! all ready to colour in when your pens show up :o) (this is now the correct chart!)

I'll be posting up pics of samples etc... when the shows are finished and I have them back home so you can get a closer look.

I know I have a lot of emails and facebook messages to reply to and I promise I will get to them over the weekend.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

p.s. there is still time to win some flexmarkers (below) if you don't have a blog link to enter, just use my blog address with your name and you'll still be entered into the draw :o) x

Flexmarker Giveaway!

Today I'm on my way to the big trade show at Birmingham, so I've scheduled this post in my absence just to remind you that I will be on Create & Craft from Monday for the 4 day deal, my times are on the right, I hope you can tune in and maybe send an email for the spotty potty if you have chance!

I also have a little giveaway for you today, courtesy of the lovely peeps at Letraset! I can pick one lucky person to win a set of the Rich Tones Flexmarkers...
There are some gorgeous colours in this set, I think that green is my favourite... So to win this set, I need you to do two things for me, firstly, pop over to the Letraset blog and leave a comment on my last post here. The pop back and leave me your name in the linky thing below. You have until Sunday 24th February at midnight and then I will pick one person at random - good luck!

Thanks for dropping by today
Sarah x

A Few of My Favourite Things... Update!

For those of you who are kit club subscribers, it's almost reveal time - yay! Watch your inboxes this weekend...
Now I must be off, I have a million things to do before starting my prep for Create & Craft next week and a show to attend in Birmingham on Sunday - it's going to be a very busy few days!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Create & Craft Show Times!

Just to let you know, I'll be back on Create & Craft next week with the four day deal (yay!) Here are the show times...

Monday 18th February

8am - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal
1pm - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal

Tuesday 19th February

9am - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal
4pm - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal

Wednesday 20th February

9am - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal
4pm - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal

Thursday 21st February

2pm - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal
5pm - Create & Craft 4 Day Deal

See you then! (well, you'll see me, you know what I mean... lol)

Thanks for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Blog Hop Winners & Exciting News!

First up, a big apology from me for not getting the blog hop winners up sooner, I did hope to do it a few days ago but this week has been so crazy busy that my feet have barely touched the ground!

So without further nattering, here are the blog hop winners!

Maureen - who liked the look of my Roses Digi Stamps

Mars - Who chose the Poms and Badges 

Linda - Who liked the look of the new kit club 'A Few of My Favourite Things...'

Congrats to you all! please email me here so I can sort out your prize with you! 

Also, I promised a little prize to the person who shared the most on Facebook, that person was the lovely Karen Hayselden - congrats Karen, you've won a little prize from one of the fab companies I work with, please email me and we'll get it sorted for you!

and now, I have a couple of bits of exciting news!!!!

Firstly, I can reveal that myself and my lovely friend, Phill Martin, who you may know from Honeypot Crafts or Create & Craft, have been scheming for quite some time now and we are finally ready to reveal to you the fruits of our labour - I can't give away much more right now but it is coming VERY soon! We will also be starting to share some sneak peeks with you next week, so keep an eye our here and over on my Facebook page for more news (squeeeeeeee!)

Secondly, I was overwhelmed to log on to yesterday and spot one of my products on the home page as one of their top picks!!!!
I've only been a partner for a few months and I'm delighted to have had such an honour so early on - wow! :o)

This has been quite a week and I can't wait to share more news with you soon - exciting times!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

A Few of My Favourite Things... Kit Club Update

Just a quick update!
I will be back soon with some exciting news and the blog hop winners!

Sarah x

Welcome to the Sarah Hurley Design Team Blog Hop!

This weekend we are having a special blog hop to celebrate the launch of my brand new website! If you haven't popped over to check it out, I hope you will, you can find it here.

My Design Team will be sharing with you their favourite of my designs and the projects that they have made from them to give you lots of inspiration and I will be giving away 3 prizes - the best part is, the prize gets to be whatever you choose from my shop, you will also get a £10 voucher to treat yourself to some extra bits and pieces!

All we need you to do is drop by each of the blogs and my Facebook page and leave a comment telling us your favourite thing from my shop, next week I will draw the three winners from all of the comments left on our blog posts and my facebook page - so the more comments you leave, the more chances of winning!

I'll be starting you off with a sneak peek of a new line coming soon...
I'd love to hear what you think :o) From here you can start at Claireliz's blog to check out her lovely project, she'll tell you where to go from there! :o)

Thanks so much for playing along!
Sarah x