
New Samples!

Working on lots of new samples at the moment, some for my portfolio and some for my friend Karen who owns Scrapshed - she had loads of lovely stuff in from the recent CHA show - some of which I have managed to blag samples of, mwahahaha (for work type purposes only of course and not just for me to bring home and stare lovingly at - that hasn't been happening at all, really......)

Lots of pics to follow soon - would be done now if my stupid camera hadn't decided to give up the ghost - it was super old though, I think it was like the first digital camera that ever lived - so got to get a new one in the next few days - any recommendations gratefuly received or i'll end up just buying whatever comes in pink! In the meantime, I'll attempt some on my Blackberry but to get a decent pic it has to be "the right kind of light" which almost never happens!

Right, I'm off to lock myself in my studio for the next few hours to whip up a new batch of creative lovelyness :o)

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