
Tim Holtz Fever!!

Everyone seems to have Tim Holtz fever at the moment, including me! Finally got my mucky little hands on his lovely book yesterday (Karen at ScrapShed finally relented and let me take it home - she wouldn't let me have it before in case I took it to Stitches and tried to get it autographed like an embarrassing groupie, mwahahahaha!) now I've devoured it all and of course seen the fabby demo at Stitches on Sunday so over the last day or two I've been stocking up on lots of things that of course now I've seen I actually literally cannot live without!! Like my lovely new Tim Holtz Stamp Binder - if you ever see this "in the flesh" you will not be able to resist - lush!!

Also now have new stamps so of course need lovely new ink pads and as Karen needed some swatches to show off the colours I got to play with them all first - yay! you can see in the pic I managed to once again get myself in a right old mess and have fun creating them, here's me "demoing" the new colours

My favourites are Rusty Hinge, Crushed Olive and Chipped Sapphire (which isn't purple as it looks on the packaging but actually a lovely dark blue, like a night sky)

You can see that the packaging (below) is not a great representation of the colours - they are much much better in "real life"

Think my overall favourite is still the old walnut stain, I just LOVE it! Right I'm off to get some new samples made up and try all the techniques in the book I haven't yet tried!

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