
All about ME!

Recently I was challenged to make a layout all about me. This caused a complete crafters block! (and a manic hunt for a pic where I don't look drunk, weird or "facially challenged") as I'm sure most scrapbookers will understand, its very rare to do a layout of yourself, entirely about you. The focus of most of my layouts are family, friends, B or Belle (my fur baby) Anyway, after getting the shortlist of pics printed and then choosing one I had a mad hunt through my stash to find all the stuff I love the most - polka dots, red and blue and my trusty butterfly punch. I used some gorgeous Making Memories paper that I'd been stroking for the last few weeks and some lovely lettering from the new 'Flutter' range - they are sooo pretty!

Part of the challenge was to include 5 random facts about yourself. I jumped on the chance to cut out the gorgeous cherries from one of my Websters Pages papers (as cherry is my favourite smell and flavour)

and right as I was struggling to finish the 5th fact about myself I found a Melody Ross epoxy sticker that summed it all up perfectly - "Beautiful things make me giddy"

So there you go - all about ME!


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