
Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Today I spent most of the day trawling through all my pics to find some nice ones to get printed for Scrapbooking. I still have some LO's to make for ScrapShed so have picked some to match the lovely papers I've been given - do love it when you get a burst of inspiration!! Have also nearly finished my loooooovely new website which will then tie in with my blog banner and business cards - I do like it when everything matches!

Also had a look at the Ikea website, my old desk in my studio is falling apart so am treating myself to a little refurb! New lovely table and chairs and some much needed (isn't it always!) storage - will post pics when its done (2 weeks for delivery so don't hold your breath! LOL)

Also looking forward to seeing my 'rents and lovely sisters in a couple of weeks, I'm off ooop north just before Easter for a few days and my sister and her boyfriend will drive me back and stay with me and B for the Easter break - so excited to see everyone again, it always seems like so long between visits! Hope to have some lovely family Scrapbooking to show them - have managed to get my mum to send me some pics as well - by email of course, she never parts with actual real life photos!!

Now I'm off to my studio for an hour before bed, got a couple of projects to finish off and scan / photograph before I send them off.

Night! x

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