
The Road to Recovery....

I've spent most of the week curled up with my fuzzy butt pooch on the sofa with the duvet trying to feel better - I think Belle enjoyed it more than me, a whole week of lazy snuggles! I think Ive finally turned a corner and have even got back into my studio the last few days! I just want to thank everyone that took the time out to send me a message over the last week or so - all your well wishes have helped to keep my spirits up when I was feeling grotty (that and watching Jeremy Kyle of course - I can only stand it when i'm ill!)

It's been a relief to start getting things done again and I think my guilt for a few days of non-activity has actually meant I have achieved more in the last day or two - watch this space for more news!! (I hate not being able to tell people stuff, I'm the worst secret keeper!)

There isn't much creating you can do from the sofa although I did get lots of cross stitching done (I'm working on one of a dollshouse) Doing so much stitching made me long to work with fabric some more - here is a layout of my little sis Harley in the snow - a great excuse to break out the white felt! (and some of the gorge fabric paper from the Dear Lizzy line - Im obssessed!!) some fab October Afternoon paper and of course, my clouds!...... (from My Little Shoebox)

Toodles x

Dear Lizzy... (and Phil!)

Last week was one of my super talented friends birthdays - Phil makes amazing Canvases, Clocks, Cards, Cakes and other lovely stuff - check out his website here. As a fellow designer I knew he would be judging me harshly! so I had to make him a card that was good, not just 'OK' or he would be talking about me for years to come! So I dug out the gorgeous 'Dear Lizzy' range from American Crafts which I had been saving for just such an occasion and got to work! And here is the finished card....

This range is so lovely to work with, its one I will be restocking immediately and keeping in my supplies!

Happy Birthday Phil! x


Just wanted to apologise as I havent blogged in absolutely AGES!!! The reason being I've had a rotten chest infection thats proved near enough impossible to shift - Im still coughing now, 2 weeks on :o( Anyway, enough moaning. Now I'm (hopefully) on the road to recovery let me catch you up!

Last weekend I was at Ally Pally with ScrapShed, I was too unwell to demo but had a lovely time meeting lots of people and spending my pennies on some lovely new products. It was a busy busy time on the ScrapShed stand and the two days along with being ill completely wiped me out! It even took me two days to unpack my goodies - how shocking is that!

Since then I have been resting up and making plans for a new and exciting project which I hope to be able to reveal in the next few weeks, sorry to tease but I literally can't keep it in, yet I can't let it out either!

Today I have finally finished my website revamp so it matches my Blog and Business Cards - I NEEDED to have clouds and rainbows on everything! Just need to find a way to incorporate some red and white polka dots on the next revamp and I may be happy with it forever. Please take a look and tell me what you think -

Ta V Much! x

Happy Easter..!

A bit late I know but the Easter weekend seems to have passed in a complete blur! After a flying visit up north to see my family, my sister and her boyfriend drove me back home (via Krispy Kreme - yum!) to spend Easter weekend with us. We have spent the whole time relaxing, eating, drinking and laughing - exactly what Easter is all about!! When they left it was sooo quiet - mainly due to the fact my squishies trap wasn't flapping (she's v loud, LOL) and Belle wasn't jumping on them every time they moved - she does love visitors and she's barely slept the whole time they were here - I've got one very sleepy doggy now, she's spent all day sleeping on my feet while I'm scrapping or on my lap while I was re-reading Twilight (still good 3rd time round!)

I've also got to wish a Happy Birthday to my Daddy! he thought I'd forgotten - pah! As I was thinking of him today I made this LO all about him - aren't I sweet? thats why i'm his favourite daughter (shhh, tell don't tell the other 3, mwahahaha)

I used one of the Rusty Pickle ranges for this - I love this one - will have to stock up now they have sadly decided to close.

Thats all for me today as I have loads of samples to finish for ScrapShed for Ally Pally this weekend - I hope you'll pop by and say "Hi" at the weekend if you're there - I've never been before so quite excited!

Hope you've all had a lovely Easter!
