
Happy Easter..!

A bit late I know but the Easter weekend seems to have passed in a complete blur! After a flying visit up north to see my family, my sister and her boyfriend drove me back home (via Krispy Kreme - yum!) to spend Easter weekend with us. We have spent the whole time relaxing, eating, drinking and laughing - exactly what Easter is all about!! When they left it was sooo quiet - mainly due to the fact my squishies trap wasn't flapping (she's v loud, LOL) and Belle wasn't jumping on them every time they moved - she does love visitors and she's barely slept the whole time they were here - I've got one very sleepy doggy now, she's spent all day sleeping on my feet while I'm scrapping or on my lap while I was re-reading Twilight (still good 3rd time round!)

I've also got to wish a Happy Birthday to my Daddy! he thought I'd forgotten - pah! As I was thinking of him today I made this LO all about him - aren't I sweet? thats why i'm his favourite daughter (shhh, tell don't tell the other 3, mwahahaha)

I used one of the Rusty Pickle ranges for this - I love this one - will have to stock up now they have sadly decided to close.

Thats all for me today as I have loads of samples to finish for ScrapShed for Ally Pally this weekend - I hope you'll pop by and say "Hi" at the weekend if you're there - I've never been before so quite excited!

Hope you've all had a lovely Easter!


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