
National Scrapbooking Day

So today is National Scrapbooking Day, in case you didn't know! but unfortunately I have had no chance to actually scrapbook - how shocking is that! Im on a VERY tight deadline for one of my future projects (more details to come very soon!) and have spent all day doing things for that (and reading the new Martina Cole book - fabby!) I hope you have had more luck than me and have lots of time to scrap.

Yesterday I visited ScrapShed and picked up the new Girls Paperie range - I'm in LOVE already! its sooo lovely and I can't wait to get my hands on it - definitely tomorrow, I'll have to make some time!

I also managed to bag myself a Studio Calico kit in the week (by getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning - seriously, like 4.30am!) but I'm soooo excited to receive it, I'm pressing send / receive constantly waiting for my despatch notice and will be stalking the postman after that until its arrival (it's OK he's used to it now.... LOL) I've never had their kit before but heard so many good things and admired their kits and DT work for AGES - when I grow up I want to be a Studio Calico DT girl!

Right, back to the drawing board now - that deadline is screeching up fast!


1 comment:

  1. I actually got to scrap today.
    I was hoping to scrap all day, but didn't start until after supper.
