
New Layouts

Firstly I would like to thank everybody for their congratulations, their blog comments, messages via facebook and twitter and all the lovely emails I've received. Doing something like this is obviously very very nerve wracking and to feel like there are people rooting for you makes all the difference. Obviously you can't please all of the people all of the time and I fully expect to receive some critiscism and harsh words at some point (Ive seen and heard some awful things said about some fantastic people so know it happens to everyone!) - but having all the lovely messages will make that easier to deal with! In my moments of self doubt I've been re-reading all of them, so thank you!!

Today I spent the whole day in my studio making samples for the Create and Craft shows from my new CD (Woodland Whimsies)- it's so exciting to work with my own line of products!! I just hope everyone else likes them as much as I (obviously!) do. I'm hoping to do a sneaky peek on my blog in the next day or two so keep your eyes peeled for that - I will also be posting some more news (yes, there's more! LOL)

Today I also got the chance to (finally!) break open my Studio Calico kit - its just so lovely I almost couldn't cut them up! But luckily my OH had been up in his mums loft just the day before and bought home some lovely pics of him and his family which gave me the incentive to go ahead! I also done a layout of my little sister from when she was just 2! soooo hard to remember her when she was all cute (and quiet - ha!)

He also found an old craft book - I think from the 60s or 70s while he was up there and his mum said to give it to me - I was THRILLED! - the projects in there are so delightfully retro and the pictures are gorgeous and hilarious at the same time - I will be sharing as I work my way through it!!

Back to the grindstone now - have a screen test next Friday so have a demo and some samples to prepare - think I'm going to need some people to help me before long!!!

Sarah x


  1. I love your paper choices on the layouts.

  2. Sounds like a very exciting venture. Best of luck to you! I look forward to seeing and hearing more about it.

  3. Congrats on your new venture. Lovely LO's

  4. Great LOs, the old book sounds a blast.
