
Swings and Roundabouts....

First of all I'll get the icky negative stuff out of the way - I'm sure you're all bored of me going on but I shall anyway! I've broken another rib which has left me sleeping propped up in bed like a vampire again, but at least I'm sleeping!

Now the good stuff!! I'm am almost prepared for scary deadline next week, and i'm actually really pleased with how its all turned out, I just have to keep my fingers crossed. Now I'm prepared and have booked my ticket (just today) I'm definitely going (eek!) not that I ever seriously considered backing out but telling myself I could if I wanted to was my way of making the whole thing less scary, now there's no going back! I can't wait until I can share with you all whats been happening (which I will whether it goes well or not, it's only fair as I've kept you in suspense this long!)

I have also had time for some more scrapping this week, I have finally got round to making the layout about our engagement (awwww, aren't we sweet, LOL) and here it is:

We got engaged with just the two of us so there are no actual pics of us, so I used a pic of my ring instead, it still makes me feel all squirmy and excited when I put it on and I often drift off staring at it! (is that sad??) Now we just have to get on with the business of wedding planning, eeeek!

Now I'm off to eat drink and be sleepy!



  1. How exciting (I hope, lol). but don't keep us waiting too long. Bad news about the rib, I know only too well what it's like so big sympathies there.

    Luv Dee xxx

  2. Congratulations, lovely LO.

  3. i lovethis oage.. great job .. keep the ideas flying...
