
Wonderful Wednesday!

Some call Wednesday "hump day" but for me it's one of the best days - its the first day of the second part of the week which is always better than the first part of the week - right?!

So first thing today I had some pics taken, urgh, I HATE having my picture taken, I'm soooo not photogenic and it makes me feel all self concious and silly, my jaw seizes up so I can't smile and I just feel awkward! Anyway.... it's done now!

Soooo... couple of things today....

Firstly - I've had loads of e-mails and facebook messages asking when I'll be back on Create and Craft - I'm just finishing up some new stuff and then I'll be back, will be soon, promise!

Secondly, I've heard that Hobbycraft are having a sale on Promarkers - which as you all know I LOOOOOOOVE! so hop on over there now and stock up quick, you won't be sorry!

Thirdly, I've had some more fabby samples from one of my DT girls which I want to share with you all, so pop on over to Donna's blog and take a look - how much do you love that bag?! Shrink Plastic is something I've never quite got to grips with so was soooo pleased that Donna used it.

and lastly........

Im soooo excited to bring you one of my first bits of news for this week.....

I can now tell you that I am the Kit Designer and Design Team Co-ordinator for Afternoon Tea, a lovely new kit club launching in September!! I'm sooo excited about this venture and can't wait to share the progress with you as we go on. We have a Design Team Call running on the Blog - please check it out!!

Thats all for today!

Sarah x

Tuesday News

So the heat finally got too much for me to bear and I turned into an irritable monster, snapping at everyone and everything in my path! Im glad to know I'm not the only one as some other people have said to me they have been the same! Anyway.... enough moaning! I've decided as I've been such a horrendous grump and compained about the heat pretty much every day that I'm going to do another free download to make it up to you peeps. It will be on the blog later this week and will again co-ordinate with both Woodland Whimsies CD's.

Thanks again to everyone that has placed orders in the last few days, most went out today in time to be delivered to you for the 1st July (OH would like it to be known that it took 2 trips, LOL) and some more are going out tomorrow - he is packing as we speak!

New things and exciting news are coming this way very soon and I can't wait to share - as always I'm literally bursting with secrets! and I'm soooooo bad at holding them in (although I always do!)

I'm off for an early night now as I want to get up super early to take fuzzybutt out while it's still quite cool - she hates this heat, poor thing. Also have some pics being taken tomorrow so will need the extra hours for applying the slap - I hate having my pic taken, which is mostly why I have my little cartoon face!

Ooooooh, and before I forget! pop over to Shell's blog to see one of her lovely creations with Woodland Whimsies 2 - I LOVE it!

Sarah x

Woodland Whimsies Inspiration

I've been getting some fab pictures in from my DT girls of their lovely creations and wanted to share this one from Lisa - I love the way she has used the free download to really showcase the designs - super cute!! Thanks Lisa x

Today I have been working hard (not easy on this heat!) on some new products which I will be revealing soon - I hope you love them as much as I do! OH is packing up a load of CD's ready to go out tomorrow in time for the 1st July - thank you to everyone that has ordered so far! and if you haven't yet then you can here!

For those of you who have already bought the CD's from Create & Craft, I'd love to see what you're making with them and hope you will send me over pics of your creations!

Ice Cream for dinner anyone?

Sarah x

Updated Website & Pre-Order Info....

So today I updated my whole website, incorporating my shop page (woo!) so you can now pre-order Woodland Whimsies & Woodland Whimsies 2 directly from me - see here. They will start despatching shortly for delivery to you from the 1st July.

It will also be available from ScrapShed at some point next week if you need to stock up on your scrappy supplies at the same time!

To remind yourselves of just how fabby it is you can have a look at the show samples in my previous blog post here! and get your free download here!

Sarah x

Thank Crunchie......

.....its Friday! what a busy busy week! Not that I will get that much time off over the weekend but will be nice to have a little relax tomorrow :o)

Today I spent the day with Karen from ScrapShed, she had some fab deliveries including the wonderful and fabulous October Afternoon! I hit that stash pretty hard and could just about stuff my haul in my bag!! Here is a little peek at my fab goodies!

it will be on her website very soon so keep an eye out! I'll show you what I've made with them just as soon as I can bear to actually cut them....

As if that wasn't enough excitement I got home to THIS box.....

I can't tell you what was in it just yet, but take my word for it, it was VERY exciting and SUPER fab!!! Will spill soon, promise!

All in all, a pretty good day!!!!

I will be posting the details for buying my first two CD's on my website this weekend ready for despatch on the 1st July - thats just next week! How fast did that go?! To those of you that e-mailed me regarding the CD I will e-mail you the details very shortly.

Sarah x


How hot is it today?!! MUCH too hot! Us redheads crisp like bacon as soon as the sun merely peeps round the clouds, combined with that my ongoing bronchitis mixed with hayfever with no air was YUK!


I still had a FABBO day :o) I spent the day at ScrapShed having a good old root through her old stock, found some absolute GEMS that she had even forgotten she had and now I will be snaffling them - not all mind, you can keep an eye out for the lovely things that pop up on her website. Karen also has lovely deliveries expected tomorrow so Ive invited myself back, as you do! so I can have a rummage in those too - I'm such a good friend, right?

Thank you to those that left comments and sent me emails and texts yesterday - what a lovely bunch you all are and I feel so lucky to know you all and have you supporting me!

I will make sure to post some pics of my haul over the weekend - hopefully I will fit in some actual hands on crafty time as well as the other things I'm working on and can post some pics!

Im also loving all the feedback Im receiving on my CD's and designs - keep it coming, at the end of the day the products I make are for you guys so if you want to see something, E-MAIL ME!!

Sarah x

Emotional Rollercoaster!

Ive just read over some of my blog posts from the last few days and realise just how chirpy I sound, just so you don't get the wrong idea and think I'm one of those annoyingly 'perfect happy people', I dont live on a fluffy cloud being fed cherry bakewells and stroking puppies! I can honestly say that the last few weeks and months (and probably years!) have been a total emotional rollercoaster and I have my bad days as well as my good, in fact they seem to follow one another into massive highs and lows!! So to those friends of mine who seem to stay up to date with my life entirely through my blog these days, I apologise, its not that Im avoiding you, its just that my massive highs (for which I am truly grateful - I do realise how lucky I am) are almost inevitably followed by crashing lows of misery and self doubt where I don't want to talk to anyone, sometimes not even my OH! The journey to this point has not always been an easy one and none of this "dropped in my lap" I have worked and worked and will continue to do so until I feel I've achieved enough (ha!) nothing short of perfection is good enough and I'm my own worst critic. So a big THANK YOU to all my supporters and cheerleaders who share both the good times and the bad with me - you know who you are and I feel blessed to know each and every one of you!

Now I'll stop babbling on and post some pretty pics, thats what you're here for right? LOL

Here are some layouts done recently that I hadn't yet shared.....

The first one is of my my little sisters - you're probably very familiar with them by now as they are my main scrapbook topic! and the second is one of me with my teddy (thats not quite as recent.... LOL) I still have him, although he hasn't fared quite as well as me over the years (if I do say so myself!) he's not bad for an old bear though!

I am also counting down to the release of the Studio Calico kit on Monday - another 5am start for me!! Its soooooo gorge though - check it out here

Sarah x

Coming Soon!

Have been working on lots of new "coming soon" things today, new things, new opportunities, all very exciting! Today I actually squealed with excitement!!! (twice) so I can't wait to be able to tell you why!

Also been catching up with all the loose ends that invariably happen - the trouble with us creative types is the paperworky / admin stuff is the first thing to slip yet causes chaos if you don't attend to it. I'm very lucky that my OH takes care of managing the 'business' side of things allowing me to be free to create for most of the time, but I still have to attend to things like marketing etc... but I think I'm nearly caught up (I've been spacing it out between the fun creative, messy stuff!)

Thank you for your lovely comments on the show samples and the download from yesterday :o)

Hopefully tomorrow I'll blog something a bit more interesting - today my brain has melted and I'm distracted by the cherry bakewells sitting next to the sofa, calling me.....

Sarah x

Free Download!!

Finally, as promised, here is the free download! These Polka Dot tags will match the designs on Woodland Whimsies 1 and coordinate with Woodland Whimsies 2 - you can also use them in lots of your other projects. later in the week I'll post some more inspiration from the DT showing what they have done with these. (please click on the picture to download)

Today I've been working on the new things coming your way soon - can't wait to share!!

Sarah x

Woodland Whimsies Inspiration Gallery!

OK, mega blog post - lots of pics!!

Firstly, as promised, here are most of the pics of the samples from my show...... All of these were made by me, Deb, my mum and Karen - thanks to all you guys, it was tight but we made it!!! Now I have the rest of my DT girls hopefully it will be a bit easier in future!!





You can still order from Create & Craft - the CD's are exclusive to them until the 1st July. I have updated my website with Woodland Whimsies info as well - you can see here!

I'm working on some fabby new stuff that will be coming to you very soon - keep checking back for my new show dates and sneaky peeks......

I've also had a few emails about the favour box demo that I didn't have time for in the show - I will post it on here in the week.

I'm just finishing off the free download which should be here for you to download tomorrow - you can use it on its own or it will coordinate with the CD's if you got your hands on them!

Sarah x