

How hot is it today?!! MUCH too hot! Us redheads crisp like bacon as soon as the sun merely peeps round the clouds, combined with that my ongoing bronchitis mixed with hayfever with no air was YUK!


I still had a FABBO day :o) I spent the day at ScrapShed having a good old root through her old stock, found some absolute GEMS that she had even forgotten she had and now I will be snaffling them - not all mind, you can keep an eye out for the lovely things that pop up on her website. Karen also has lovely deliveries expected tomorrow so Ive invited myself back, as you do! so I can have a rummage in those too - I'm such a good friend, right?

Thank you to those that left comments and sent me emails and texts yesterday - what a lovely bunch you all are and I feel so lucky to know you all and have you supporting me!

I will make sure to post some pics of my haul over the weekend - hopefully I will fit in some actual hands on crafty time as well as the other things I'm working on and can post some pics!

Im also loving all the feedback Im receiving on my CD's and designs - keep it coming, at the end of the day the products I make are for you guys so if you want to see something, E-MAIL ME!!

Sarah x

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