
Birthday Revelations!

Morning people!

Yes, I'm blogging early today, most unlike me! but I won't have time to do it later as today I turned the big 3-0 so I will be celebrating / drowning my sorrows* (*delete as applicable) LOL

As its a special day for me I'm going to tell you my last secret! It really is the last one, nothing else up my sleeve - Promise!!

*drum roll* etc....

There will actually be two CD's in my first show next week!

This is the cover of Woodland Whimsies 2 - there was soooo much I wanted to cram onto CD 1 but just didn't have the space and didn't want to make it too difficult to find things so I ended up with the follow up already! (this was going to come out later in the year - I'm soooo impatient!!!) CD 1 is all in bright colours and CD 2 is a darker colour palette and if you just can't decide, Create & Craft have a special Multibuy price if you buy both together!

I'll bring you another sneaky peek of CD 2 once the design team has been announced (final decision being made today - you ladies didn't make it easy for me!) and then I can start showing some of the fabby samples that have already been made by the existing Design Team ladies - there is just so much I want to share!!!

I'm also working on a freebie download that will be available for you early next week and will match with the CD's

Thats all for now, I'm off to open some pressies :o)

Sarah x


  1. Wow, it looks great! Looking forward to the freebie and the rest of your work!

  2. happy birthday chick!!

    Debs x

  3. Looking forward to the show and the CD's
    Love sarah XXx
