
Studio Reorganised - Again!

Today I spent some time re-organising my studio (again!) but I actually feel this time it's "done" the cupboard is fixed, everything is back in and now everything looks clean and bright and spacious - no clutter to mess with my head when I'm trying to be creative! I'm still waiting on my new furniture though so it will change a little bit soon - but for now, here is where I work.....

Heres a close up of the bunting in the corner that I made from a Maya Road Pennant Album strung onto Studio Calico twine - I just love that stuff!

Here is the view from my window - I just love this view - its the top floor of my house so I'm high up and look right over the green out front and the forest (at the back of the house is where I originally had my studio but thats right in the forest so it was far too dark!)

And here is my fave Living Dead Doll! I collect them but she's the only one that lives in my studio at the moment, my sister says this is what I will actually look like when I'm dead - I can definitely see the resemblance!! LOL

Tomorrow my sis and her boyfriend arrive - yay! and are staying for the weekend - the beginning of my birthday celebrations, it's finally here - woo! I'm so excited to see them :o)

As you can tell I didn't do much work today as the CD is done now! I did automatically open the folder this morning then remembered I was done! Instead I done the studio then worked on some illustrations for a children's book before crashing out with a crunchie (they should really come in twos like Twixes don't you think?!), very relaxing!

Sarah x


  1. Woo hoo!! Love it and congrats! I know how it feels to reorganize time after time! It's a big accomplishment!

  2. Looks good.
    I keep meaning to oganize mine as I want to take pictures and do a video tour.
    I guess I have to pick up my stuff from the floor. Yup its all over the floor as well teehee.
