
In case you missed it!

The maths thingy is now finished (thank God!!!) and thats that out of the way FOREVER - yay! Now I only have the funner parts of my course left to do. I have to tell you I'm not actually that bad at maths in that I almost always get the answer right, its just that it takes me a long time to get there. At school you are taught a certain way of working things out and I just can't do it that way - surprisingly I did actually manage a 'B' in my maths GCSE and was in the top class for maths but how I did it I'll never know! I see numbers backwards so it makes things very difficult for me, but I feel proud of myself that I completed a maths module (you were right Mum! LOL)

Anyway, enough of all that! Today I have been finalising some new products that will go into production next week - eeeek! Also, in case you missed it earlier in the week, here is the sneaky peek of 'Christmas Cheer' my newest craft CD which will be available very soon - a few finishing touches (I just keep adding to this one!) and I'll send it off - the Design Team will have their copies next week and will be bringing you lots and lots of lovely inspiration very soon!

On this CD there are 3 collections - Retro (the colours you see on the front cover), Traditional and Vintage. More details coming soon......

The Design Team will be starting our challenge blog very soon with some lovely prizes and projects - watch this space for more news!

I have also been busy looking at all the fab design team applications coming in - this is the FINAL 24 HOURS!!! so get them in quick (it is open to UK and International applicants for those that have asked) and you can see the details here.

I have also been going over the Afternoon Tea Design Team applications (only 24 hours for this one as well now!) details here. I can't wait to show you the kits - I have to say they are FAB! and I can't wait to get my grubby paws on my one!! as well as looking at all the CHA sneak peeks to find fab new products for future kits - I can't tell you how hard it is to narrow stuff down - I'd like to put almost everything I see in there! (but I've been told very strictly that I can't!)

Tomorrow I will be finishing the last few Xmas pics for the CD - I can't tell you how difficult it is drawing penguins and snowy things when its 30 degrees outside and BAKING! But I know everyone likes to get a head start on their cards so I'm persevering!

Finally, did you see Dragons Den tonight? Kirsty Henshaw was AMAZING! she totally deserved that investment, it's so nice to see someone who has worked so hard and achieved so much to get some help, gives us all faith in the human spirit and proves that if you work hard enough you CAN do it! How inspiring!!!

Sarah x


  1. can you send some sun up my way it's been raining all day in Scotland!! So much exciting news, glad your having a good week and should we be expecting penguins with sunglasses on or perhaps santa in trunks ,sunbathing with a cocktail or two lol!!!

    hugs Clare

  2. Yep, Kirsty on DD was really fantastic. I found her story so inspiring. Totally deserved that outcome. Look forward to seeing your next CD... looks like fun. I did a penguin digital kit last year... my husband creates 3d models and he did a fun penguin. They're so cute and perfect for Winter/Xmas graphics x
