
Random Stuff

My little fuzzybutt pooch got a haircut today - this is how she normally looks...

look at that cute fuzzy face! well, no more! OH got completely carried away with the scissors and hacked off a huge chunk of her fringe!!!! all she really wanted was a little trim - now she looks like a little boy dog :o( my poor baby... She's still super cute though!

Today I've spent the whole day working on new products and they are soooo close to being done, really! So look out for sneak peeks coming very soon!

Also, just to let you know, Blogger seems to be eating my post comments - I read them by e-mail but when I click publish they disappear!! so please keep messages coming - I am reading them!!

Please pop over to Shell's blog today as she has posted some lovely samples made from Woodland Whimsies 1 & 2

Also, ScrapShed are having a super crazy sale on the Girls Paperie line at the moment - which as you know is one of my absolute faves!! so nip over there quick and stock up before she comes to her senses and puts those prices up!!!! (just maybe leave me a sheet or 2 of each m'kay?) If you havent seen the sticker books in person you absolutely must get them, you a couple of sheets in each one - they are SUCH good value for money! Now I'm going to stop telling you how great it is cos I want some left for me! LOL

Sarah x

p.s. If you didn't get your free download yesterday see below! (there is also the DT information in that post if you're looking for that)


  1. Thanks for sharing that sale at the Scrap Shed! I've been admiring the Girls Paperie stuff a lot lately!!

  2. Awww your puppy is so adorable.
