
Back Again!

Just looked and can't believe I haven't blogged since Thursday! I have been very busy but big apologies, that was very rubbish of me!

I must quickly mention that the lovely Lisa from my Design Team has some Blog Candy up for grabs so pop over and try your luck! (not just yet, at least pretend to be a bit interested in my comings and goings!)

The Bank Holiday weekend just whizzed past, I had a fab night with some friends on Friday, one of those unplanned things that turn into the best type of nights as you have no expectations to disappoint you, was nice to relax! The rest of the weekend was mostly working, although I did manage to track down the perfect size storage box for my Promarkers - I was so pleased! I did have them in the lovely storage thingys that Letraset sent me but I like to take them downstairs with me or to bed if I'm finishing something up so wanted something I could carry them round in- am now a very happy bunny (its the simple things, it really is!)

Today I saw the feature on me in Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine, made me do a little squeal as I ripped it open in the shop - I think the poor lady in there was slightly alarmed - she already thinks I'm a bit odd as everyday I buy cherry tictacs - they are SERIOUSLY yummy, every food should be cherry flavoured! I also saw that Woodland Whimsies was featured in the 'Ten of the Best' feature in Papercraft Inspirations which was a nice surprise as I had no idea!

I'm hoping to get some inky play time this week as I promised you some Promarker tutorials and I want to show you lots more things with my Sprays and Ink-A-Balls, which you will be seeing a LOT more of (thats all I'm saying for now...) thanks to everyone that has placed orders for them - it has kept OH out of my hair packing while I've been working on more stuff! LOL

Today is also the last day of my August Guest Designer, Sue's term, so farewell Sue! but welcome....... NICOLA, our fabby September Guest Designer who I'll be telling you a bit more about tomorrow. She will be setting next weeks challenge for us as well so look out for that, its a good one (you may want to get your Christmas Cheer CD ready, thats all I'm saying... LOL)

Now I must get on, I'm still working on my top secret project as well as scheduling some stuff for the Afternoon Tea kit clubs - you will be hearing a lot more about those soon too!

I'm going away now so hop on over to Lisa's blog for that candy - good luck!

Sarah x

Thank You!

I want to thank everyone who watched the shows yesterday and who sent me lovely messages, texts, e-mails, tweets (and orders!) I got to work with the lovely Stephanie Weightman yesterday to launch my new line of spray inks

and my FABULOUS new Ink-A-Ball product!

The Ink-A-Ball is a roll on ink which you can create sooooo many different effects with - I demo'ed loads on the show and have uploaded two YouTube videos here showing some of the techniques - I will upload more over the coming weeks showing you even more things you can do with this fab product! To get hold of yours click here!

I also showed my new Doodle Doll Collage Packs and Stamps, also available on my website- the collage sheets are also available as individual downloads so you can top up as you need them! The collage sheets come pre-coloured and in black and white so you can get creative with your Promarkers! (any excuse!)

Today is a new challenge over on the Challenge Blog - this week it was Donna's turn, she decided on a Monochrome Challenge - I havent had time to do my own project as I was so busy with the show but please pop over to take a look at the Design Team's work, it so fantastic - Donna's project was AMAZING!

Please also pop over and visit Sue's Blog - Sue is our lovely Guest Designer for August and her term has nearly come to an end, although I don't think this is the last you will see of her and we will try and get her back again soon with some of her lovely projects!

Today I started reading 'Eat, Pray, Love' and I have to say, although I'm still quite near the beginning (about a third of the way through) so far this is the best thing I've read since 'The Shack' there is so much I can identify with and if it carries on that way I may even sit still for a while and watch the film!

Thats all from me tonight as I have a load of emails to reply to before I finally hit the sack! Luckily this weekend is a bank holiday so I'm going to give myself and OH the day off and we are going to spend the whole day curled up in bed with fuzzybutt watching old films and stuffing our faces - isn't that what bank holidays are all about?! i'm not sure I will resist taking one of my art journals or sketch books with me though, as usual I have a MILLION ideas for new things which I'm sure you will see popping up soon.

Sarah x

Just a quick reminder....

that I'm on Create & Craft tomorrow morning at 9am (off to bed now as I have to be up at 4am!!! - thats a getting home time, not a getting up time!!!

I will be launching brand new products great for art journaling, scrapbooking, altered art, card making and all kinds of arts and crafts, all available to buy from Create & Craft or from my website

Hope you like everything!!!

Will blog properly tomorrow, promise!

Sarah x


Tonight I am 'sleep blogging' it's the only way to fit it in!!!

Firstly, a quick reminder that the 'Animals' Challenge on the Challenge Blog ends tomorrow at midnight, so hurry up and get your entries in!!!!

Secondly, please pop over and take a look at Clare's blog as she has posted a lovely project she done for this weeks Challenge - anything but a card (I can't wait to see the projects you all come up with this week) the design teams projects were all gorgeous and really show how versatile the CD's are - there is SO much you can do!

I'd also like to thank the lovely Melly, not only did she send me THE most amazing samples (pictures to come soon) for Christmas Cheer (just lovely Melly, really and the house... well, there are no words!) she has also given me a lovely blog award!

I feel so blessed to have my lovely design team - not only are they are all so talented, they are also so supportive, every day I get a little text or email or something from at least one of them checking how I am and if there is anything they can do to help - how nice is that?!

Also, while I remember, we noticed on the sky listings the other day that my show on Wednesday is being billed as 'CD Roms with Sarah Hurley' this is actually a mistake - there are no CD Roms in this show! However there are LOTS of lovely new things including something completely new and different - if you are a scrapbooker, card maker, altered artist or art journaller you want to be watching!! This is completely different from what you have seen from me so far - a side of my creative work I haven't really shown before as its more personal and it feels like putting a part of me 'out there' which of course, as soon as you do gives people the right to comment (which is lovely) or ridicule (not so good!) however everyone, even the most talented and wonderful people get critiscised at some point so I'm just going for it and we'll see what happens!!

All the new products will be on my website very soon!

My other project is also coming along nicely, although I haven't quite figured out yet how I will be fitting it in, LOL - watch this space!!

Sarah x

Late Nights

A late blog post for me tonight, have had a few nights trying to get everything ready for the show and the new product launches next week!! I hope you will be watching the show on Wednesday at 9am.

I have today installed my fancy new shop - which I hope you will take a look at - I LOVE it!! Lots of products coming soon, yay!

For those of you looking for the special offer from Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine, you can find it here. They have done a lovely feature about me which you can find in the next issue so I hope you will take a look and laugh at the dire pics of me, LOL - I'm not photogenic, can you tell?!

For any of you that watch the fab series 'Mistresses' on BBC1 (its one of the very few things I actually watch as most TV I find to be just an infernal racket - I much prefer music) if you saw tonights show and know where to get the lovely white top Siobhan was wearing at the beginning please could you e-mail / tweet me or leave a comment on the blog - ta muchly!

Sarah x


Think I must be the only person who is excited about the rain! I'm so happy winter is approaching again, winter has all the good stuff, Halloween, Fireworks Night and CHRISTMAS!!! I'm TOO excited :) and who knows, maybe it will be another white Christmas - oooooohh...... Today I dug out my rain mac to put on, I love being able to dig out my winter clothes, woolly dresses, boots and snuggly coats and hats and scarves - lovely! Fuzzybutt wasn't best pleased though, she hates to get her little paws wet and looked at me in much disgust when I tried to take her out, she's such a prima donna. She also hadn't quite gotten over last nights trauma - I had the cheek to leave an unopened bag of jelly tots on the table which she stared at for a good half an hour, I'm not sure if she was willing me to open them or willing them to fly across the room and burst open but either way she didn't have much luck. Although after the excitement of Dragons Den had died down I did take pity on her and open them - how can you resist these eyes???

Sooo adorable!

Today I have been helping at ScrapShed stocktaking ready for the huge summer sale, after 10 hours I was EXHAUSTED but kept going at the promise of being allowed to unpack the new Cosmo Cricket delivery (yum!) the Matilda pad and chipboard was so yummy - a few bits may have sneaked my way..... ;)

Off now to have a snuggle with Fuzzybutt and OH while I fill out some paperwork and catch up on some bits. Soooo much to do and not enough hours in the day! Also had a SUPER exciting proposition which I'm considering, would mean even MORE things to do but how can I refuse! Will tell all soon, promise! I do love exciting opportunities, just hope they keep coming!!

Sarah x

Design Team

I was looking back through my last few blog posts (I use it as a mini diary so I can see if I've missed anything) and noticed I have been neglecting my fabby Design Team girls, which is very very naughty of me as they have been hard at work making some fab projects (wait til you see Melly's project for next weeks challenge, eeeek! - I'm not playing favourites by the way, she was just the first to show hers and its LOVELY!) You can see another of her projects here on her blog.

Lisa made a fab reindeer card for the last challenge using the new Christmas Cheer! CD - here. Shell's challenge card also used the Christmas Cheer! CD - you can see it here and so did Clare's - here Love them all!!

Teri and Donna both used the Woodland Whimsies CD's for their challenge cards, you can see Teri's here and Donna's here

My lovely guest designer Sue has also made some fab projects for us this month using the Woodland Whimsies designs, you can see her blog here, she has also been accepted as a cardmaker for CraftsUPrint - well done Sue!!

I have also been accepted as a Designer for Crafts U Print so you can also buy some of my designs there (click on my link to the left)

Also, don't forget to come and join our latest challenge on the Challenge Blog - you still have until Sunday to enter the 'Animal' Challenge.

This weekend has been spent prepping for the next show (just next week, thats flown by!) this one is a bit more nerve wracking because everything is new and different, I just hope you like it! No sneak peeks remember so I hope you will tune in to watch!

Sarah x

Super Quick!

A super quick post from me today as i'm in the middle of drawing and when your mojo hits you have to run with it! I just want to share this video from Andrea Dorfman that one of my friends posted on facebook, amazing!

Sarah x

p.s. Done this just in time, just got in trouble from mum AGAIN for updating every day - you think with 3 chickens to keep her busy she wouldn't have time to read my blog EVERY DAY wouldn't you???! LOL

p.p.s only a few more hours to enter the Romance Challenge on the Challenge Blog (closes at midnight!)

Catching Up!

I have been catching up on lots of stuff, preparing for a show takes sooo long and other things tend to drift a bit so today we got the last few orders out (and then more came in, LOL) all of the Blog Hop prizes out (if you didn't get an e-mail from me to say I had sent yours then let me know!) and more DT goodies bagged up and ready to go tomorrow.

I also finally got round to photographing and putting up all of the show samples for you to see - please see the post below to see all of them, what a fab bunch of designers I have working with me! My friend who helped me to set up the show was blown away by the quality of the samples so you DT girls should all be super proud of yourselves! :)

This weeks Challenge is now up on the Challenge Blog and this week Clare has picked 'animals' for us! I've just had a quick look at the entries in (will go back later and post comments for you all) so far and am very very impressed! There is also still a couple of days to enter Sue's 'Romance' Challenge (closes midnight on Sunday)

Now on with prep for the next show - phew! I've had to literally lock away my Christmas Cheer! stamps so I don't get distracted - love them!!

Sarah x

p.s. I keep forgetting to mention I will be demoing at the big stamp and scrapbooking show in September at Ally Pally (Im there both days with ScrapShed) so if you;re coming let me know and come and say Hi!

Show Samples!

As promised, here are the pictures of all the show samples (made by me and my fabby Design Team!), I've only put pictures of the new ones that weren't in the previous show, to see all of the samples from the previous show as well, please click here to see the blog post!

Christmas Cheer! CD Samples

Christmas Cheer! Stamps & CD Samples

Woodland Whimsies Stamps

Woodland Whimsies CD's

A HUGE thank you to all of my Design Team and guest Designer Sue Hickey!!

If you would like to buy any of the CD's or stamps or Ink Pads you can do so at my website -