
Thank You!

I want to thank everyone who watched the shows yesterday and who sent me lovely messages, texts, e-mails, tweets (and orders!) I got to work with the lovely Stephanie Weightman yesterday to launch my new line of spray inks

and my FABULOUS new Ink-A-Ball product!

The Ink-A-Ball is a roll on ink which you can create sooooo many different effects with - I demo'ed loads on the show and have uploaded two YouTube videos here showing some of the techniques - I will upload more over the coming weeks showing you even more things you can do with this fab product! To get hold of yours click here!

I also showed my new Doodle Doll Collage Packs and Stamps, also available on my website- the collage sheets are also available as individual downloads so you can top up as you need them! The collage sheets come pre-coloured and in black and white so you can get creative with your Promarkers! (any excuse!)

Today is a new challenge over on the Challenge Blog - this week it was Donna's turn, she decided on a Monochrome Challenge - I havent had time to do my own project as I was so busy with the show but please pop over to take a look at the Design Team's work, it so fantastic - Donna's project was AMAZING!

Please also pop over and visit Sue's Blog - Sue is our lovely Guest Designer for August and her term has nearly come to an end, although I don't think this is the last you will see of her and we will try and get her back again soon with some of her lovely projects!

Today I started reading 'Eat, Pray, Love' and I have to say, although I'm still quite near the beginning (about a third of the way through) so far this is the best thing I've read since 'The Shack' there is so much I can identify with and if it carries on that way I may even sit still for a while and watch the film!

Thats all from me tonight as I have a load of emails to reply to before I finally hit the sack! Luckily this weekend is a bank holiday so I'm going to give myself and OH the day off and we are going to spend the whole day curled up in bed with fuzzybutt watching old films and stuffing our faces - isn't that what bank holidays are all about?! i'm not sure I will resist taking one of my art journals or sketch books with me though, as usual I have a MILLION ideas for new things which I'm sure you will see popping up soon.

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. i saw you using them on create and craft and they looked amazing, very clever of you indeed.

    hugs Clare x
