
Facing your Fear

A few years back during a difficult time in my life I read a great book called 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers, it explains that the worst part of fear is the fear itself and when you do something you're afraid of the fear will eventually melt away and leave you feeling a sense of achievement. Now when I feel afraid of something I ask myself 'whats the worst that can happen?' often its not as bad as the sick feeling of turning it over in your head. I'm a great fan of this type of book, not that I think I'm 'finding' myself or anything, I firmly believe you create yourself as you go along rather than finding something hiding within you. Recently I have re-read 'The Secret' and read another book called 'The Shack' - sounds like a spooky horror but is actually about our perceptions of God (not that I am especially religious either) but it makes you question some of the things you take for granted and think of them differently. If any of you read similar things I'd love to hear your recommendations! and I would really recommend 'The Shack' - but have the tissues ready, I sobbed and snivelled my way through it!!

Apologies I haven't got the samples pics up - my studio has only just been restored from dump site to studio - prepping for a show is manic work and involved hours and hours of manic sample making and demo prepping so often I am ankle deep in double sided sticky tape backing, scraps of paper and things drying! I promise they will be up by the end of the week.

I am already prepping for the next show on the 25th - I hope you will be watching. I am SUPER nervous and excited for this one as I'm showing all new products, none of which have been seen by anyone else, not even my design team! its a bit of a different direction for me and very different from what you have seen from me so far, I just hope you will like! There will be no sneaky peeks for this one as its really top secret, so if you want to see you will have to watch!!!

I'm doing some work on Promarkers at the moment and will be posting some tutorials over the next week or so as I had lots of Promarker questions after the show, I will be trying to answer them all and if you have any others just drop me an e-mail and i'll do my best!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. I read a book a bit like that a few years ago(cant even think of the name) and it totally inspired me to get out the rut i was in a start living again!
    Fingers crossed for you that everything you want starts to come together just how you want it!
    Cant wait to see your new goodie hee, will be glued to the tv watching!!
    Hugs Melly xxx
