

Today has been the worst day for a while (health wise) I've felt like i'm made of jelly all day and couldn't move until about 6pm despite a sleep this afternoon. It really shook me up and I had a little bit of a cry on OH's shoulder :o( anyhow, not to bleat on too much!! Lets move on to some goooood stuff!

Firstly, I got my new camera - woooooooo! I'm so excited! I got a Canon Powershot G11.....

Isn't it purdy???! After reading a few reviews and handling a few in the shop (I've got really small hands so a lot of them are too big or heavy for me) it was definitely the best option for me. I've picked up the basics, although I'm just shooting in automatic at the moment, I have reserved two books from the library so will be poring over those at the weekend to try and pick up some tips! If any of you have the same camera and want to share your tips and tricks I'd be very grateful!

You can see the difference here from a layout shot from my old camera (on the left) and my new camera (on the right) makes soooo much difference!

Now I just need to set my shots up a bit better to show my work off the best way possible - I've bought a few little bits and I'm going to rearrange the studio a little bit tomorrow to make a non-ink covered, non-dog-laid-on surface. Here is a little pic of Fuzzybutt in my studio, she likes to join in, I think if she was a real little girl (of course she is a real little girl, but you know what I mean...) she would defo be a crafter!

Today I've also launched a new Doodle Doll and a new Digi Stamp - you can get them here. There are some more to come but I just didn't have the energy today - I know that may sound bizarre to you but I can't tell you the level of tiredness that this illness brings about, it's like nothing else! Here is a little card I made for the Halloween challenge this week over on the challenge blog using both (I've also used the Twilight ink sprays - I LOVE these so much!) pop over and join us - the free download a couple of posts below may come in handy! or splash out on some of my downloads - just £1 and you have them forever!

Before I stop rambling and leave you in peace for the night I just want to send a big THANK YOU to my DT girls, they have been so fantastic the last couple of weeks, helping out when I just can't go on, sending me messages to keep my spirits up and check how I am and Donna even sent me a gorgeous card. it's meant so much girls, I really can't thank you enough!! And now I have two more lovelies :o) (see previous post)

Now I'm off to answer a couple of e-mails before I retire to my bed with a hot choccie and a scary book (it is nearly halloween!)

Sarah x


  1. ooh that camera looks fab.. you will have lots of fun practising!
    Take care
    Lisa ;)

  2. love the lo and your pooch is soo cute! congrats on the new toy and i hope you feel better. i can't imagine feeling like jelly is good.

  3. I sooooo would love that camera, I hope it brings you great pleasure... Jo x

  4. lovin the new camera....the OH has bought a Canon so will ask him if he's got any info/tips ect
    My Mum finds the tiredness thing the biggest prob,but she was told she has to think of her body as a battery...she has to decide what she wants to do and what power it will use and realise that she will have to recharge every time she does also takes a lot of time to come to terms with the diagnosis.

  5. thanks for the follow - nice to read your ramblings - and love the picture of Fuzzybutt the crafter :)

  6. Oooh, it's always so nice to get a new camera! I hope the weekend gives you better health. It must be such a struggle. Keeping you in my thoughts~
