
New things....

What a bizarre day, one minute torrential rain and thunder and lightning and the next brilliant sunshine, don't know how things are in your part of the country / world but its kinda strange here! I am happy to be back in my snuggly winter clothes though! Woolly dress, jumper, woolly tights and uggs - lovely!! We even had the heating on for a bit earlier - woo! I LOVE winter, can you tell?? ;o)

I managed a bit of scrappy time as well and made a couple of layouts mostly from my Studio Calico kit - my little box of happiness!

my pics still aren't great and I'm really not happy with my camera, I've got my eye on a Canon G11 which I'm told is fab so fingers crossed you will be seeing some better photography from me soon!!

Today is Craft Day on QVC, I must admit I sky +'ed it and then whizzed through it as I didn't have time to watch the whole thing but there isn't anything thats tempted me so far!

I managed to upload the first lot of Digi Stamps to my website today - just £0.50p each!! What art you waiting for?! pop over and grab yourself a Bargain! :o)

OH is making me lamb chops tonight, I've never really liked lamb but he thinks I will if its cooked right, we shall see whos right won't we!! Wish me luck! I'm sure Fuzzybutt will happy with her dinner (she loves lamb) and the bones of course!

I've now contacted everyone who has applied for the Design Team so far so if you sent me an email or facebook message and havent heard anything please check your junk folder and holler if you havent been included. I find the whole process so difficult, everyone is so talented but I can't say yes to everyone, always makes me sad to say no as I know how horrible I have felt when I've not made teams I've applied for.

See you tomorrow with a freebie download!!

Sarah x


  1. good luck with the camera. i need more hours in the day to learn about mine, LOL!

    loooving those lo's!!!

  2. Great layouts! Will check out your digistamps.

  3. I had a G3 as my original/first digital camera. I was really happy with it back in 2003 :) You do nice work!
