

Ok, own up, who hid September and October? I swear I didn't even see them pass!!!! How scary is that......

Today I noticed for the first time as I waved OH off that the leaves have all started turning, the trees I look at from my studio are now lovely autumn colours - I will have to take some photos if i'm feeling up to going out tomorrow - fingers crossed, today was better than yesterday so if tomorrow is better again, I'll be a happy girl :o) So Autumn is here, its nearly winter, time for firework night, the smell of bonfires, hot chocolate instead of tea at bed time (I'm soooo rock and roll, really!) and adding an extra duvet to the bed - which Fuzzybutt will hog along with the other 2 no doubt, for a small mutt she takes up a LOT of space. I think our duvet must be like a weird narnia type place and as oon as she crawls under there she turns into a great dane or something, shes warm though and gives the BEST cuddles so I'm not complaining!

I was thinking the other day about artistic style, how sometimes you can just tell from looking who has made a particular card or LO or piece of art or illustration, it made me wonder, do I have a style?? I started looking at my work and to me each piece looks different. Then I caught sight of a pic I took the day I got my new camera of some artwork I was about to send off to Letraset and I thought, actually I DO have a style. All of those pieces are distinctively mine. I don't know what you would call it (no rude comments please!) or how you would define it but its definitely mine! What do you think??

Before I go I must just mention that I'm having a SALE! Grab some great special offers, must make room for lots of new products coming your way soon!!

Tomorrow I'll be posting all about my lovely November Guest Designer so look out for that!!

Sarah x


  1. I know what you mean about "it' just your style" You know it's yours cuz well it's yours. LOL

    Thanks for sharing and letting me know that I'm not alone. hehe

  2. Your style is amazing, and Letraset is going to be very happy with your work! People have told me they know my work when they sit, and I recognize a lot of my friend's work as well. I love that about crafting - the individuality! I had to smile about your dog. Our beagle burrows like a mole under our covers! Hope tomorrow is a fabulous day for you!!

  3. These are fun cards and projects. Love them.
    Hurry and take those photos, if the wind blows bye, bye leaves. Our trees are all bare here :) SNow is acoming.

  4. everyone has a style (wether we like it or not..meaning to be 'labeled')
    I think your work has a very illistrative feel about its come from a book - if you know what I mean.
    Hope today is a good day.

  5. oh autumn is on its way out here! hurry! love those projects
