

As yet, no snow in my part of the world, although we are assured by the MET office it will be here tomorrow! On one hand I love the snow, it's so pretty! but on the other hand it's so disruptive! Fingers crossed, it comes, lasts for a day and melts away leaving no trace.... ha! Fuzzybutt has been on snow watch, although right now she is curled up next to me on "inside of eyelids" watch zzzzzz....

This weekend I made my first Christmas card (finally!) using my Christmas Cheer! stamps and of course Kraft cardstock! I have SO many to make, I'm so behind! I also have my Christmas Wreath to make and some other bits and pieces to make the place a bit more festive!

Tonight I am cooking (please pray for us....) i'm going to do risotto again, I managed it last week, it was very nice and no-one died so thats always good (you can never be too sure when I'm cooking!) to say I'm undomesticated is an understatement!

The lovely Melly has some wonderful Blog Candy up for grabs so pop over and see if you are lucky enough to win!

And finally, a BIG thank you to everyone who left lovely messages on my blog or sent me messages via Twitter, Facebook, E-mail and Text after my last post - I really appreciate it very much and it's lovely to feel so supported by so many!

Sarah x

p.s. if you haven't already, pop over to the Christmas Crafting blog and sign up so you receive the prompts (starting from the 1st) and projects!


  1. LOve the card Sarah .. love that little pic of fuzzybutt looking out of the window lol
    Thanks for your kind words re my Aunt
    take care
    Lisa ;)

  2. Teehee Fuzzybutt, love his name :)

    Your card is very pretty.

  3. Hee hee.. that pic of Fuzzybutt just cracked me up!!! ;) thanks for he Monday smile.. good luck with the snow.. Im sure it will be here in NE soon as well

    Great card!

  4. oh that photo is priceless! cute card, too!

  5. Gorgeous card! I love the paper piecing you did.

    Fuzzybutt - this name (nick name?) cracks me up. Thank goodness we don't have snow yet but it is COLD!
