

So today I got some of my REALLY good news confirmed and I can tell all tomorrow - yay!

I have to admit the email came at the exact right time, today I was feeling a bit yucky, despite getting a good nights sleep and all that I woke up feeling weary and achy - it makes me so angry that I never know how I going to feel I just have to ride the wave and see what happens! My MIL took me shopping and I got a pink doughnut which did lift my spirits somewhat and I managed to get myself back to working this afternoon which I LOVE. I love to work so much and find it sooooo frustrating when I can't! this afternoon I was working on an article I have been asked to write about domestic violence, this is not an easy thing for me to do but I know it will help to raise awareness and so I'm determined to do it! Just as I'm feeling a bit sad and a bit blue and a few tears, the email lands in my inbox, shortly followed by a funny from my sister Taz who always seems to have a knack for sending me a funny email or text just when I need it - she says its because we're psychopathic - I say she needs a dictionary :o)

The countdown to Christmas has begun, snow is on its way (apparently) and my mum is giving me daily updates on pressie deliveries, food situation etc etc... I cant believe we are now counting down in days rather than weeks! You know its close to Christmas when M&S start selling their festive loo roll - voila!......

How cute is that? it's almost a shame to use it, although essential obviously!

Last week I got a huuuuge box of goodies from A Cherry on Top in the USA. I finally got my hands on the lovely Paris Anthology line from Pink Paislee - I had the stamps already but none of the "stuff" so now I have "stuff" too - the flowers and papers are just gorgeous! I love the album and I just can't wait to use it all!

I also finally got hold of the October Afternoon 'Modern Homemaker' range - I've been waiting for this since I saw the sneaks!! and some of the Cosmo Circa 1934 range. A BIG thanks to Vanessa at Papermaze for being so quick with getting it to me and adding stuff I'd forgotten to my order afterwards - I'm a nightmare customer! LOL Can't wait to get around to playing with all this stuff, have soooo many projects to get done so all this will be gone very soon!!

And finally, a big woooooo! as my products are in 3 (yes 3!!) magazines this week!

My Christmas Cheer! CD was named one of the "5 best" in the Making Cards Christmas Special. The Ink-A-Balls were featured in the latest Making Cards issue and my Winter Warmers collection (soon to be available on the website) and projects are in Complete Cardmaking due out this week (issue 27) - and it's only Tuesday! I wonder what the rest of the week has in store for me......

We are working on lots of Christmas projects for the new Xmas Crafting blog so if you have something you want to share then email me or leave your link and you could be featured.

Sarah x


  1. Love the TP, so festive.
    Sorry you are feeling down, It sucks when you have all these plans then don't have the energy to do them
    Hugs to you.

  2. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! What a bunch of good news!!!! it sounds like it came at the perfect time and I am so glad for you!!!!!

  3. Great news indeed - hope tomorrow is a better day health wise.

  4. Hope you are already feeling better! I LOVE the Parisian Anthology line. It's so beautiful in person. I will have to check in tomorrow to see what the big news

