
Christmas - Part 2

Christmas Day was lovely, we woke up to the smell of the turkey and with stockings from Santa waiting round the tree (for all of us this year not just the little ones - yay!) Then Taz and Shaun came over and we started the present exchanging - we don't give all our presents in one go like some people do, we spread them out throughout the day so the excitement lasts longer!

Here is the tree, behind Xena being very intense on Mario Kart Wii! and a little close up....

And both little squishies opening their Santa Stockings.... (See the concentration in their faces!)

And B opening his....

Dinner was scrummy, my BIL actually said he thinks its the best one he ever had! (I made the Beef Shaun, don't forget that!) of course some people can't resist playing with their food, meet Tazzy the red-babybel-nosed reindeer, LOL......

I'm feeling much better today after a 15 hour sleep!! and I've spent the whole day in my new Eskimo PJ's and Christmas slippers, bliss!

My poor little squishies are still ill, I hope they get better soon, it's horrible being ill at Christmas, especially when you have new toys and just want to play!

Sarah x


  1. I agree being ill during the holiday's suck. We have been to 3 turkey dinners and I couldn't taste any of them ;(
    Love the fun reindeer picture, teehee.

  2. looks like you had a wonderful xmas....hope the squishies feel better soon!

  3. Looks like a fab Christmas! Hope that yours are feeling better soon (my 6 yr old was sick on Sunday, so I feel your pain!). Happy New Years!

  4. loved looking at your pic's and love those slippers!!!
