
And it's Friday!!

This week went soooo fast, think I was over-ambitious in saying I would get over half of my 'To-Do' list done, about a quarter of it gone done so you can guess what my weekend will be like!! *sigh*

My lovely pristine white empty desk I showed you last week now looks like this...

Haha, didn't stay tidy for long!!! It's not mess though, its 'work in progress' really honest it is and when I've finished it will be clean once more (whenever that is!!)

I have a couple more Letraset projects and some other bits to show including a step-by step for Derwent pencils but I'm just tooo wiped to sort the pics right now (sorry!) so that will come soon :o) Instead I'll leave you with one of the mini projects I done for Letraset - they sent me a Wooden Egg Cup - I kept taking it out the box and putting it back, wondering what I could do with it - the obvious thing would be something to do with Easter / Chickens etc... but I don't like to be too predictable so after some deliberation it turned into this little guy...

Have a throroughly lovely weekend!

Sarah x

p.s. if you are looking for the DT call, it's 3 posts down :o)


  1. how cute! i was thinking these would be good for easter-obvious too lol-making a little town scene for my nephews-great idea :)


  2. what a cute lil guy. enjoy your weekend

    clare x

  3. lol he's a cutie!

  4. This is cute. You could do one for everyone in the family and personalize them.
    Then when you eat the soft boiled egg it would be like eating their brains, teehee. Ya I watch to many zombie movies.
