
Feeling Lucky

Its been a funny day today, nothing magical has happened, I started with a visit to the docs (35 mins, *sigh*) which went OK, no more tests or poking and prodding for 2 weeks (yay!) then a few emails caught up on, then a wave of exhaustion hit and I fell asleep. But somehow today I'm feeling incredibly lucky, so happy with my lot. Funny isn't it, how nothing can really change except maybe your attitude but all of a sudden you feel 10 times better. Obviously not everything is perfect, I have yuk days, I wish I lived closer to my family (although I'm lucky OH's mum and brother live close by), I'd like to lose a few pounds (or maybe more than a few) I'd like to have more money (wouldn't we all!) I wish my hair was straighter, I'd like to be about 5 inches taller (although then I wouldn't be able to wear giant heels when I go out with OH, so maybe not!) but overall I'm not doing too bad and today I have a big smile on my face, feeling blessed :o)

Yesterday I ventured out in the cold and rain for a little solo shopping trip, I don't venture out that often these days as I'm usually working pretty much 7 days a week, and even more rarely do I go out alone as usually it's OH dragging me out to remind our friends what I look like! and I do feel anxious in crowded places. But yesterday I braved the crowds and the elements and hit the shops! I bagged myself these lovely bargains (I'm not showing the bags of clothes!!! LOL - in my defense it has been a while)

and got back soaked to the skin and freezing cold but feeling quite proud of myself! Of course, being soaked through gave me a great excuse to change into the new PJ's I bagged (I do have a bit of a PJ obssession!) although my hair was beyond repair!!!

Tomorrow I really must do something creative, despite my NY resolution I'm yet to do much drawing or crafting, although I have done some digital work, but I can't show that to you yet as its for a client.

I forgot to mention yesterday that this weeks challenge is sponsored by Letraset so pop over and try and bag yourself some Promarkers!!! I'll be getting mine out tomorrow and I can't wait :o)

I also realised I'm still yet to show any pics from Wonderland, although you can see some projects my lovely DT made with it over at the Challenge Blog so pop over and take a quick look! - I'll post some more piccies in the next few days but here are the characters, these come in lots of variations including digi stamps and coloured images - I've printed out some stuff so I can make some goodies with it myself tomorrow, can't wait!

I also have to tell you about 2 wonderful new companies that I'm working with but I must save something for later - I think that was quite possibly the longest blog post in history so I shall shut up now!!!

Sarah x


  1. Nice to hear that you had such a good day and ventured bagged some nice goodies there!

  2. just love your pjs sarah. My new years resolution to craft more has gone down like a lead balloon. Spent first 5 days feeling exhausted then the last 3 in bed with flu and there is no sign of it going away anytime soon.

    hugs clare x
