
Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year - I hope this year will happy, healthy and prosperous for us all!

I havent started this year as manically as I usually do, for me everything has to be perfect, house clean, everything in its place, diary planned out etc... or I feel I've failed before I have begun. However in my new frame of mind I have worked through some of the things I wanted to do at a slower pace and allowing my OH to help without me glaring at him eagle eyed and huffing because he isnt doing it exactly the way I would! and I have taken some time to just sit around in my PJ's, read books (not for business, just for pleasure!) and play on my recently abandoned xbox - and I have loved EVERY minute! It's amazing how much better you can feel when you just give yourself a break!

I know I have a TON of emails to catch up on, my studio looks like the scene of a devastation and my diary isn't properly filled out yet, but you know what? it will still be like that tomorrow and I'll get round to it! All of my deadlines are up to date, everything is being done and I'm doing the best I can while taking time out for myself - selfish? maybe, but about time! I've even planned a day off for myself next week, I'm going to go out, have a Starbucks, linger in a bookshop or two, bliss!

I am also making lots more time for creative projects so expect to see the return of pretty pictures here very soon!!

The plan for tomorrow - a BIG cup of coffee to ease myself back in, catch up on my emails, fill in my diary and then back to work on some projects for clients, promarkers will be out - can't wait!

I hope your New Year has started well :o)

Sarah x


  1. Happy New Year. I like your more mellow approach this year. I'm doing the same.

  2. Wishing you lots of peace and joy for a happy 2011!
