
Some work.....

Firstly thank you to everyone who has already sent in your application for the DT - you peeps are quick! If you haven't seen the call yet, please see below and send me an e-mail - don't be shy!

Secondly, I have to tell you I've become a complete digi-scrap convert since I started working with GallimaufryUK designs! (not that I'll ever stop loving my paper of course! LOL) Here are a few layouts I've done this week....

These are with the 'Fresh Start' kit which you can get here....

And this one is done with the new 'My Love' kit which you can get here....

I think this one was my favourite! OH doesn't like the funny faces he is pulling in the pics but I think it's cute :o)

Today I finished an illustration, sketched out the outlines for a few more, organised my pooter as I've been working so fast I hadn't put anything in folders and also I've been organising the DT work to upload to our new gallery coming soon (more details to follow!) and then I had a quick hour colouring in in my studio - bliss!

Now I have some emails to answer, letters to type, orders to print off, plan to write, designs to sketch out and then I'm going to bed!!!

Sarah x


  1. oooooo very cool lo's. all your to-do's are making me tired. lol!

  2. fab layouts Sarah .. and you sound to have had a busy day lol.. i have been out walking on Ilkley moor lol
    Lisa ;)
