
Crazy Day!

Today has been a mad day, I stayed up last night til about 2am working on one of my book fair illustrations using my lovely Derwent Inktense and Coloursoft pencils, I can't show too much or I'll be in trouble!! but here is a sneaky peek.

the lovely peeps at Derwent were trying to guess what this could be today, the guesses so far include an Alien Landscape, A mountain scene and a Bird - none of these are correct though! I will reveal as soon as I can! In the meantime please feel free to leave a comment with your guess, if anyone does actually get it I'll be so impressed I might send you a little something... ;o)

I also finished off the two mini collections I was doing today, they might need some changes, I shall wait for the verdict! Will be able to let you know what they are as soon as it's all signed off - yay! I made that deadline with about 3 minutes to spare today...

All in all a pretty good day after a bit of a yucky start (I'm over it now so won't rant again! LOL) Thank you to everyone that patiently puts up with me on Twitter as that usually where my venting ends up! Luckily B came home with a Belgian Bun and some drawing pencils (I'm always losing them!!) so that cheered me up and of course once I start working, drawing and colouring is so therapeutic you can't not be happy!

I'm off for a quick dinner before more drawing!
Sarah x


  1. Hmm not sure, could it be part of a mans hand holding something? looks good though, I'm trying to improve my drawing skills, wish I'd practised more when I was younger. Can't wait to see what it is :)

  2. glad your day is getting better. and your sneaky peek looks cool.

  3. sneak peek looks amazing...

  4. sneak peek looks cute- i'm gonna go with a little tooshie sittin on a rock :)

    can't wait to see what it is!


  5. looks very cool
    hey we are all allowed to vent :)

  6. I can't wait for the reveal!! It's cool what ever it is!!
