
Early Bird!

Today I'm posting early as I really need to get off my pooter and get some drawing done!! I have been saying I can draw at my desk but i'm sure you know what its like, an email comes through, you reply, the phone rings, 2 more emails come through, the phone rings again, you turn round and you have 40 unread emails - WHAT!! Typical, LOL. I do have my Blackberry with me but get less distracted when I'm not in front of the pooter checking every email, tweet etc....

I now have a little over a week to finish my pieces for the Bologna Book Fair, they are all sketched out, some are started but none are finished - yikes!! I also have the trade show Stitches at the end of the week and a couple of client meetings as well as my usual crafty projects and working on some new products, it's a long list! I actually stayed awake til 2am last night / this morning just to clear my backlog of emails, luckily I feel quite awake today!

I finished my projects with the alcohol inks but am waiting for them to dry so I'll photograph them tomorrow and hopefully blog them in the next day or two, I used them with my Lavinia Stamps which are beautiful silouhettes - I found them at last years Ally Pally and fell in love! Definitely some more on this years Ally Pally shopping list!!

I also have to sort my Skype out soon as my list of calls to make and receive is growing ever longer! Thats tomorrow mornings job, definitely!

Finally I'll leave you with a very very quick layout from the weekend, its a very similar colour palette to the Vogue one I done a week or so ago, not sure why I'm so drawn to these colours at the moment!

ooops, and just remembered (this really is finally, I will stop babbling - see what I mean about getting distracted!!) the lovely Crafty Ribbons who I design for have their ribbons in this months 'Lets Make Cards' magazine, so you can test a few of their products and see the quality for yourself, bargainous!

I'm definitely going now, Fuzzybutt is waiting on the sofa office...!! LOL

Sarah x


  1. nice layout. i love the non-tradition colors you used.

  2. I like the colors too and the "tea stained" ribbons~love that!!!

  3. loving the colours....fab LO too

  4. cute lo. and i get so distracted as well. too funny. and i can't wait to see your alcohol paints.

  5. Great layout! Love the craft paper! The button in the top corner pops perfectly!
