
Last Chance!

Just a quick reminder that this is the last chance to send your details in for my DT call! If you havent seen it yet you can scroll back a bit or click here to see. I'd love to hear from you! It closes tomorrow (15th February) at midnight GMT.

Also, I had a lovely comment from one of my favourite bloggers / tweeters, Emma, who had given me a blog award - yay! So I officially accept!

In accepting the award I've had to agree to the following conditions:

1) You have been tagged, do you want to accept? YES! then create a post on your blog and post the love blog photo.

2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept.

3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

The aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light, so we're asked not to tag somebody "with 3000 followers".

Now to pick my favourites.... I've chosen 5 of my lovely DT girls :o)

1. Lisa

2. Clare

3. Melly

4. Amanda

5. Patsi

Its so hard to narrow it down to 5, there are so many fabulous blogs out there but these 5 girls are super talented, very helpful and supportive and deserve a litle 'toot' from me - so thank you!!

Now I'm off to enjoy my valentines day evening, I hope that whether you are single, married, loved up etc.. you are taking time out too. I'm enjoying my 5th lovely Valentines day with B, he even handmade me a card this year, it was very good for a first effort of someone with big sausage fingers (broken too many times playing football and rugby)

Last night on Twitter we were having a little chat about best and worst valentines, my worst was a tick box coupon cut out of 'The Sun' where you had to tick boxes to say you missed it because you were a. in the pub, b. watching football etc.... Needless to say NOT amused!! LOL (that was ex by the way not the lovely B!) What are your best or worst valentines? (please don't let mine be the most tragic!)

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Ribbons & lovely cards. This year I got a card & some Lily O'Briens chocs for Valentines day, infact I've had the same thing for the last 10 years, maybe I need to persuade DH to be more creative lol. I've bought my own back up birthday present for Saturday just in case & my Christmas presents come lovingly wrapped in tinfoil, but he makes me laugh every day, so I'll let him off :D Hope you enjoyed your day
