
Some Pics...

I must say today started off pretty yuk, I was hoping to go back to bed and start again but much to do and not much time so I battled on after a little scream and a cry to my mum on the phone, OH got me a Belgian Bun (my 2nd of the week, yikes!) and suddently I felt much better.

So.... last night was another late and productive night of illustrating, I even managed to squeeze in 2 little art journal pages to empty my head of all the swirly yuk-ness. Today I continued with some digital illustrations. I also had to print out lots of bits and pieces for a hybrid layout with gallimaufryuk's digi kits.

The I got to have a play around on my camera, since I got my new camera I've pretty much used in in automatic mode all the time, I'm not really too sure what all the bits do and I'm a bit scared to fiddle with them in case I break it! I really must get a book. I decided to be brave today and have a little play with some of the settings, I'm taking some pics tomorrow for another project I will tell you about next week and I want to make sure they look their best so I had a little practice taking these - the view from my desk!

I think with a bit of editing they would be OK, sure I will be out of auto mode soon!

I also took some time to narrow down the DT applications today so for those of you waiting you will have an answer soon, its so tough, I've halved it but I'm finding it difficult to narrow down any more at the moment, I'll go over it with fresh eyes tomorrow!

Now I'm off out with OH and some friends, first night out for a while, looking forward to a glass of wine :o)

Sarah x


  1. good luck w/the culling process and to all who tried. i have a new camera and use ap mode ALOT. i figure if i practice on the non important stuff i'd be more confident on the important stuff. if not, me and auto have a great relationship. lol!

  2. what a great view you have!! your pics came out great- enjoy your night out :)


  3. Lovely photos there sarah

  4. love the trees :)
