
Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday already, this week has just flown by, I didn't even see it!! Sooo much has been done though, so thats good :o)

Thank you for the lovely responses to the new designs and the DT work, so glad you're loving them and there is more coming soon!

I hope you all enjoyed your pancakes yesterday, I had lime juice and sugar on mine, YUM-MY! As far as cooking goes, I'm not very good, actually I suck at pretty much everything, but I make an awesome pancake!

Today I have been looking up train tickets as I'm trying to get a day up north to spend with the 'rents, who knew trying to coordinate schedules and train times could be so complicated?!

Tomorrow I am meeting Emma and Kim who I speak to on Twitter quite a lot, we all design for Kuretake and we are meeting with them to chat about new things (exciting!!) I have met Emma once before but very briefly as I was rushing off to demo at Ally Pally!

and last but not least - the lovely Sue, one of the DT girls has been featured on the Making Memories blog today - wooo! Congrats Sue :o)

Thats all from me today, I will have exciting news of my trip to 'London Town' tomorrow as I leave my little Essex bubble for a few hours....

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. The pancakes look lovely - we are having ours at the weekend, looking forward to that already :) Good luck with all the train changes - I think it is more complicated now it is all different companies!
