

It's nearly time.... 4 days off... I know you're probably counting down like I am, my xbox keeps winking at me, my pile of library books are calling me, my PJ's are ready and waiting - I won't be leaving the hosue the whole time I can tell you!! I did plan to have the whole time off but got a job in this morning that of course just can't wait so I will be working a bit (not complaining because it's a fabbo job!) and probably crafting too as I just can't stop (I have a ton of digi bits from GallimaufryUK printed out to finish off some hybrid LO's) but this is the most time off for ageeeees so I'm looking forward to it :o) I hope the sun is shining where you are (if you like that kind of thing, I'm not a fan myself being as I can sunburn through a brick wall!) and you have lots of fab things planned.

If you're short of a project then Crafty Ribbons have a children's apron project made from a teatowel up on their blog here, just try not to get distracted by all the fabby goodies, LOL

Also, I'm looking for some European crafters for a little something, if you are in Europe (not UK, sorry!) please leave me your blog link so I can have a nosy - thank you / merci / danke schon / gracias etc... :o)

If you pop back tomorrow I have a little Blog candy going up - don't miss it!

Sarah x