
Illustrating with Promarkers

This weekend I locked myself away and spoke to noone, a big bout of the Blues had hit and I'm best on my own when that happens! So apologies for my lack of tweets, emails etc... thank you to those that sent messages, normal service is now resumed :o)

Another illustration from me today, this time with Promarkers! This is an Alice in Wonderland picture that I done for the Book Fairs.

You can see the rest of the illustrations shown at the Book Fairs on my Facebook Page.

I'll endeavour to post something crafty tomorrow as I've mostly been posting illustrations the last few days!

Sarah x


  1. I was wondering why you were so quiet, pleased to hear you are better. Fab illusration and looking forward to seeing your other projects.

    clare x

  2. Totally understand about the blues and being alone during that time. Unfortunately my husband didn't get the memo this past weeked and took the brunt of it :( Glad to hear that creativity shone through the clouds!!

  3. great illustration Sarah, hope you're feeling more cheery & that the sunshine will chase your blues away.
