
An Interesting Book...

Last week when I went to meet my friends for drinks I met a friend of theirs whos wife was an art teacher, naturally we got chatting about illustration and all that kind of thing and he told me about a book his wife had given him when they met called 'Love' he loved this book so much that he actually went home to get it so he could show it to me and lent it to me so I could take some pics to share!

It's full of these really quirky illustrations....

and cut out pages that give you a little peek to the next page...

and interesting page shapes and colours...

I fell completely in love with this book! The pages are so bright and vibrant and the colour placement has been really well thought out, the little cut outs and interesting page shapes keep it really fun but the story is actually really touching and a little bit sad.

I can't wait for my own copy to arrive! You can get yours here, this is a more up to date version and I'm dying to see how it's changed since the one above which was from the 60's.


I'd love to hear about any interesting or quirky books you love!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of this one - have popped it on my Amazon wishlist for when I've saved up a few vouchers :)

    One of my most favourite books is The Iron Wolf by Richard Adams - I did a review here but in short it's all folk tales which I just love!
