
Echo Park Cards

I recently discovered 'Echo Park' and I love their ranges, they are so bright and colourful and fit totally with my style of crafting! Also they are constantly bringing out new things which is great (B and my bank manager may not agree with that! LOL)

When my first box of goodies arrived I made a ton of projects to submit to magazines so I havent been able to show any of the projects, but I found out this week that this set hasn't been picked up (oh, the rejection *sob*) so now I can show, yay!

 All three cards are made with the Summer Days range of papers and stickers and the dots and stripes paper, so bright and fun!

As much as I love to create vintagey inky / painty / messy pieces (and I really do, you can tell by the floor in my studio, LOL) I love to make things in bright, cheerful colours that are just pretty.

Sarah x


  1. Such cute cards! I am quickly becoming a big Echo Park paper fan!

  2. what a fab set of cards, is that you flashing your cricut in the background lol

  3. I'm a huge fan of Echo Park also! I've always loved bright, cheery colors. I'm also into the cloud thing at the moment. LOL What a cute set of card. Very summery. :)
