
What happened in May?

So much happened in the last month that its actually passed in a bit of a blur and felt like about 3 months! So here is a quick round up including some of my favourite instagram pics and projects...

I started the month with my ribbon tutorial videos - I have lots more tutorials coming soon, some just need editing and some I actually need to film! If there is something specific you'd like to see then let me know!

My papers and cards featured in Making Cards magazine - yay!

I spent lots of time in London for meetings (more news on those coming in June!) and with my crafty friend Emma - it's her birthday today so pop over and show her some birthday love!

I made these projects...

And lots more random things happened...

I was asked to join the Provocraft and Basically Bare design teams (squeee!) I released new products. I spent hours and hours on the phone, I bought vintage dresses and headscarves on Ebay, I ate loads of ryvitas and jam ignoring the fact that they aren't good for you anymore if you add an inch of lurpak to them. I was asked to design a range of greeting cards. I started reading Sweet Valley Confidential (I was obsessed with Sweet Valley High, of course I want to know what happened 10 years on!) I spent far too long snuggling Fuzzybutt (she's just too cute!) I cried a lot, laughed even more. I opened an Etsy shop. I've crafted away hours of insomnia re-watching Desperate Housewives and I've started planning my wedding and got distracted about 10 times. 
I'm hoping June will be just as varied and entertaining as May has been!

Sarah x

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