
Frankfurt Book Fair

This week is the Frankfurt Book Fair and I'm so excited that once again my work is there being shown to potential clients by my illustration agent!! I'm super excited to get an update when they get back. a few new pieces have gone over, some of which I can't share as they are potentially to be published (fingers crossed everybody please!!!) but here is one piece I can share with you as it's for a different project and only used to show what I can do. In fact if you are one of my crafty followers this may be a little preview of something coming very soon (watch this space!!).... ;o)
Today B took me to Westfield as he got in from work early, its crazy big! although funnily enough, not as big as I thought it would be, its apparently the largest shopping centre in Europe currently but the Metrocentre in Newcastle still seems much bigger to me! I wasn't really in a shopping mood so just a few treats from Lush and a gorgeous journal from Paperchase. There is a Mr Pretzel there though which I couldn't resist, I haven't had a fresh pretzel for SO long, they don't seem to be very popular in the UK, though I don't understand why, they're so good! I've still got half to munch on later while I burn the midnight oil with my craft designs I'm working on, YUM!

Sarah x

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