
Halloween Cuties

This weekend I made this Halloween Easel Card (in the blistering heat I might add, so wrong! where has winter gone??? I'm feeling a bit shortchanged - it's October, I want to wear my coat and ugg boots!) anyway, moving on... ;o)
All the stamps are Penny Black Stamps from The Glitter Pot, the witch, cat and bat are coloured with Promarkers. The house is a silouhette stamp, I stamped it with a black inkpad onto purple bazzill card and then used my Derwent Coloursoft pencils to add the glow of the moon and some highlights to the fence and trees. I love that stamp, it's so versatile and will be a great background for lots of projects!
I have entered this into Fab's Halloween challenge - you can find the challenge here, come and join in! 

Today started with some exciting phone calls and a little chat about my product releases, schedules etc... and I have spent the rest of the day mapping out a plan for the big release at the trade show in Jan / Feb, I have soooo much to do in the next 6 weeks its frightening! Although while I was on one of my many long phone calls today I did take the opportunity to give myself a fun manicure with my two current fave colours of polish...
Now I have about 50 billion emails to reply to and I have a headache (boo to the sun! lol) I just can't operate in hot weather, I need to go and find myself a nice secluded igloo somewhere to live / work in :o) and I'm cooking dinner again, aren't I brave? I think I'm getting pretty good at this cooking malarkey, tonight I'm doing a 'Fake-away' lemon chicken and noodles - wish me luck! (and B of course, he has to eat it, lol)

Sarah x


  1. Fab card and fab nail polish LOL! Kim

  2. Simply love it, thanks for participating in my Halloween card making challenge ! Xxoxoxo Fab

  3. What a cute card Sarah. I love the nail colours, so funky. This weather is totally mad but don't fret it'll all change soon.
