
Justice for Uncle Bert - An Update

I'd like to say a big 'Thank You' to everyone who has left me blog comments / tweets / facebook messages / emails / texts etc... after the murder of my Uncle in February last year - it really means a lot to me and my family (as they see them too) your support during such a difficult time has been amazing.

There have been many delays in the trial, meaning its been almost a year now before the trial has finally happened, but today I'm relieved to tell you he pleaded GUILTY. This has put an end to months of heartache and means we can hopefully finally get justice. Now we just have to wait for sentencing which will be happening on Friday.

I haven't been able to tell any of the details due to the upcoming trial, but I'm pleased to say the whole story can now be shared and can be read here.

RIP Uncle Bert

Sarah x


  1. This is wonderful news Sarah now maybe you and your family can move on with your lives.

  2. That is the best news I've heard and I hope you and your family can finally see some light at the end of this very long tunnel and I hope that your Uncle Bert can finally rest in peace, knowing that justice has been done.
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  3. (((HUGS))) I had no idea this took place. How horrible! Hopefully you and your family will be able to find closure and the your uncle may rest in peace.

  4. The best outcome of such a terrible, terrible situation. I hope this will give you and your family the strength to find closure. Jxx

  5. This is so sad and so unfair!! I wish you and your family the best, hoping time and the end of the trial brings you closure. *Hugs*

  6. So sorry for your loss in such traumatic circumstances. I can't understand why the justice service takes so long but at last you can all see some closure to this horrific ordeal.
    Hope the sentencing is a long one.
    Take Care xxx

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you will find justice and healing.
