
Tag Album Inspiration

Today is Craft Academy day! and this week post was all about Tag Albums - I love these because they're so quick to make and can be used as a complete project or part of a bigger layout / album / book/ They are the perfect size for Instax and passport pictures too :o)

I made another one for this post, filled with some of my favourite quotes...

You can see more details and pics of each page over on the Craft Academy website, you can also download the template to make one of your own if you don't have any tags to hand - I made this one using the template and some paper scraps.

Today I felt super inspired and spent pretty much the whole day writing (fuelled by cups of earl grey) love it when that happens!

Thanks for looking
Sarah x


  1. super cute Sarah!! Headed over to the pther blog to look closer!!

  2. I went over to the other blog, and I love the quotes you used! Very nice tag book!

  3. Looks to the other site to see the rest!

  4. This is beautiful! I loved the colors! Love Penny
