
Family History Scrapbooking with


Today I'm so excited to share with you details of a new project I will be working on for the next year (or maybe longer, depending on how I get on!) I will be working with the lovely people at to research and document my family history and I will be blogging everything along the way!

I have wanted to do this for some time but knew it would be a huge project, my family is quite spread apart, my mum knows little of our family history and I have little or no details past my grandparents. To say this is a mammoth and overwhelming task is an understatement! However the few things I have heard sound mysterious and exciting and I'm ready to find everything out, the good, the bad and the ugly and I will be scrapbooking and documenting everything along the way as well as sharing my tips and tricks so you can follow along with your own family history. I'm a complete beginner, I have only been signed up to Ancestry for around 2 weeks and I have mostly been familiarising myself with how it all works and gathering my starting information. Luckily Ancestry provide a ton of help to get you started!

You can get your own 2 week free trial of right now on their site - just click here to sign up! (if you aren't in the UK please click through to

If you scrapbook your family history, or you decide to join me in this project now, I'd love to see your posts, please leave me your links so I can pop by and check them out.

I can't wait to get started!

Sarah x


  1. Congratulations on beginning your exciting family history journey! There are a group of genealogy bloggers who have been dabbling in Family History Scrapbooking. I will let them know about your new project. Look forward to seeing your updates! The Scrappy Genealogist

    1. that sounds great, thank you! I've followed your blog :o)
      Sarah x

  2. I look forward to the journey!!!

  3. what a fun and exciting adventure!!

  4. Can't wait to see your journey-I'm at the start of my family tree too!

    1. great - can't wait to see how you get on!
      Sarah x

  5. Congrats on your project, and I hope you do well. Love Penny

  6. Omg! That sounds so amazing!
    You'll have so much fun finding out everything, tho your emotions will be all over the place with all the new finds!
    Good luck with it and look forward to seeing creations and reading all about your family!
    Hugs Melly xx

  7. I'm sure you will get really into it. I'm also an illustrator and was inspired by researching my family history I did a couple of comic strips about it

    1. those are fabulous, thank you so much for sharing! I'm following you on Behance and twitter :o)

      Sarah x

  8. Good luck with your serach Sarah - I look forward to following your journey and look forward to seeing your resulting scrapbooked tree!
    I joined just over 12 months ago, dabbled a bit in the first year but have put much more work into it this year. I too am a scrapbooker so look forward to telling some of the stories of what I find in a similar way to yours.

    I've already found a cousin living 30 mins drive from me whom I never knew I had, our great grandfathers were brothers! - it's wonderful fun but I must admit has eaten into my scrap time a litte.

    1. Thanks Jo! Its great to meet another scrapbooker via my search :o) I'll follow your blog to see your future family history pages, its great to hear you've found someone close to you too!

      Sarah x

  9. Hi There, I have been off and on for several years now. Meeting distant cousins and searching for photographs has been a task. It seems I am the most interested in the Family Tree so have collected much info in the last 50 years. Just found your blog so will follow hoping to glean tips. I am mainly interested in the UK!
