
A Princess Card

This week has gone so quickly, I can't believe I haven't blogged since Monday! Where does time go... Today I have a card to share that I actually made a couple of weeks ago and forgot to photograph - I found it yesterday while I was trying to create some order in my studio (ha!)...
The stamps are from DoCrafts, I picked them up from Hobbycraft when I was up north visiting my parents and sisters (I can't keep away even when I'm on holiday! LOL) and they are coloured with promarkers. The background stamp is from Hero Arts. I popped the little frog on a spring so he hops about :o) Here are a couple of close ups... (you can click to make them bigger)
The last few days have been pretty crazy, a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, some absolutely exciting fantastic stuff has happened which I will be sharing with you soon! Actual jumping up and down excitement going on here at Hurley HQ!!! But there have been a few difficult stressful things too, not everything works out quite how you hoped but usually thats because there is something better around the corner - I keep reminding myself that everything will be OK in the end - as someone very wise once said to me, if its not OK then its not the end!

Thanks so much for dropping by today - I'm off to cook for B (miracle I know, it doesn't happen often! Please pray for us as I try to make something edible, LOL) and then I'm back to work, my schedule has gone slightly crazy with all the new projects and I have some planning to do before I get back to lots of design work!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. THis is so cute and I love the idea of the spring on the frog. The difficult stressful things are just there to make you really appreciate the better things. Have a good weekend.
