
April Round Up

I can't believe that today is the first day of May! How quickly the year is flying by, its frightening... Here is a little round up of all the excitement of April through my instax pics...

My Britannia CD was released, I say it every time, but this is my current favourite and I'm loving making things with it!
 My desk looked like this for much of the month - eeeek! and I was featured on Fuji's Choose Film website (yay!)
Of course, I can't forget Easter, I indulged in a few too many choccie treats - oooopsie!
I started cooking again and got much better this time! and had pretty nails a couple of times (before ruining them with alcohol ink / paint etc...)
I got messy with Art Journaling and got to open a brand new pack of Derwent Aquatones...
I can't miss out a couple of cute pics of Fuzzybutt of course!
I had some super super exciting news (which you will know if you follow my Facebook page) I will be sharing it here on my blog soon though, promise! and last but not least, I'm a whole month closer to being able to tell you what this is for...
I've been keeping this secret way too long, I think I'll burst from secrets one day!!

Of course as well as all this I've been working on brand new shiny things which you will see on my blog soon, launched the Craft Basics & Scrap Basics collections (which you can see in my shop) working on new designs, magazine projects and lots of frantic sketching and writing, its a crazy busy time, my desk is full, my studio is full and I'm relying on disco naps to get me through the day - of course my insomnia is still raging, how else would I get everything done! lol, saying all that, I wouldn't have it any other way, its a fabulous busy tiring rollercoaster but very exciting and super fun!

Thanks for dropping by to catch up on what I've been up to.

Sarah x


  1. Your photos are so fun, don't you just love those cameras!

  2. WOW what a busy month you have had! Love the comment about the pretty nails .... mine get ruined within minutes of applying nail varnish!

