
DaisyTrail Steampunk Scrapbook Page

Just a quick post for me today, as usual I'm juggling eleventy billion things and I daren't drop even one! lol. But I wanted to quickly post up my very first layout made with my own Steampunk digi kit in Craft Artist...

I used the ledger paper (swoon!) made lots of layers and was even brave enough to break out the distress tool on the hot air balloon one. Of course I sneaked in a moustache as well - had to be done!

Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages in the last 24 hours telling me you've bought one or all of the kits, I so look forward to seeing your makes, I hope you'll share on the DaisyTrail website or my Facebook page, or both!

This afternoon I've been working on my Ancestry project and have made a bit of a breakthrough - I'll have an update for you soon!. This weekend I'm planning on some studio time, I have some magazine commissions to finish off, some samples to finish and I want to just colour in for the sake of it for a bit! lol.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Thanks for dropping by today 
Sarah x


  1. Love it!
    I so need those kits!
    Lovely work :-)

  2. Gorgeous layout,and that ledger paper is definately swoon worthy!!
