
Retro Home Project by Claireliz

I promised that today I would share the first of the wonderful Design Team projects using the new Retro Home CD - and here it is, this fab Printer Tray from Claireliz...
Isn't just fabulous?! Perfectly demonstrating how far you can go with CD / digital crafting perfectly :o) You can see more details here on her blog.

You can get hold of the CD download here and I will be sharing another Retro Home project later this week!

I must also just give you all a quick reminder that there is now just one week to go on our Design Team call - click here for more details :o)

I also have to tell you that I had a whole day off on Saturday - seriously! I can't remember the last time, but Saturday there was no pooter, no Twitter, no Facebook, nothing at all! I spent the day with B, we went out, mooched about, bought pretties and yummies and came home and crashed in front of the TV with a book, a stack of magazines and a very snuggly Fuzzybutt - what a blissful day! I don't know when my next one will be so I made sure to make the absolute most of it! Sunday was back to work (for me at least, B was back to Sky Sports *sigh* lol) but completely refreshed :o)

Now I'm off for a very quick dinner before I get back on to my 'To Do' list - I've started about 10 things today, all of which are almost finished but not quite - very frustrating! but will feel like a massive achievement when I finish 10 things all at once later, lol.

Thanks so much for popping by today!
Sarah x