
Fuzzybutt's Exciting News!

Last week I posted on Twitter that I had received an email for Fuzzybutt - it's not the first time it's happened - I've had some 'fan mail' for her before, lol, but this email was from Pedigree! Pedigree had seen a picture of Fuzzybutt on my blog (when I baked the doggy treats for her) they thought she was super cute (which she is of course *proud mummy moment* lol)  and wanted her to take part in a trial they are doing for their Joint Care products!! Of course Fuzzybutt was super excited to hear she would be getting treats in the post and have lots of attention - her two favourite things!

Today her lovely box of goodies from Pedigree turned up - B helped her open it while I stood around taking pics like it was Christmas morning! So please excuse the cute overload now while I share some doggy pics!

She could not keep still for wagging her tail as B opened the box...
Inside the box was this bag - amazeballs right?! I love attention to detail like this! :o) (see the little nose creeping in at the side - no patience! don't know where she gets it from... ;o) haha)
And inside the bag...
 There were treats...
And toys!
 And a video camera for me to capture all of her escapades!
She had to check the bag thoroughly to make sure B hadn't missed anything... I think she was hoping for a pair of Doggy Dentures!... lol
 and finally, she had her first Joint Care treat - they smell quite strong, normally she doesn't eat anything that smells strongly so I was a bit worried, but she wolfed this down and then asked for another (she only gets one a day though - little piggy!) She seems smitten...
So that was Fuzzybutt's exciting day! A big 'Thank You' to Pedigree for this bag of goodness, it made our day! You can see more about the trial (and cute pictures of other dogs!) on the Pedigree Facebook page

Thanks for popping by today!
Sarah x

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  1. That's so brilliant! Lucky Fuzzybutt - I'm not going to tell my Bella..! :) xx

  2. Well done to Fuzzybutt, she's a star through and through. Maybe it'll lead to tv appearances?

  3. How fabulous!Fuzzybutt's a very lucky dog and I love her little nose creeping into the photos!Pedigree is very lucky to have her!

  4. What a cute dog! That's hysterical that someone monogrammed Fuzzybutt onto a bag for you!
