
Sharing my Secrets! A 'typical' day at Hurley HQ...

I haven't done one of these Sharing my Secrets posts for a while, but a lot of people ask me how I fit everything in and how I juggle things so I thought I would give you a behind the scenes peek at a 'typical' day for me.

First off, there is really no 'typical' day here at Hurley HQ - at any minute I can get an an email for an urgent deadline, a magazine write up, a commission, a piece of artwork or a last minute show and I will have to drop everything and focus on that - it's all about prioritising!

On a day when there is no crisis, I would usually get up around 7.30am. I start every day with a hot bubble bath (I know thats indulgent, but I like to start the day right!) I spend about 20 minutes in there while I check my emails and orders on my blackberry. I then grab a coffee on the way to my desk and fire up my pooter. While thats coming to life, I'll catch up on my tweets and facebook page on my iPad and scan over my diary for the day.

Once I've answered all my emails from overnight (usually takes around an hour) I'll print off and gather together any orders and send them via email (for digital products) or pack them and bag them ready for B to take to the post office when he gets home. While I'm gathering together the products for orders I take a quick look over the stock and make a note of anything thats running low to reorder later in the day. (Fuzzybutt usually crawls out of bed at this point and trots downstairs to lay next to me sleeping some more until B gets home!) Once this is done I start on my first job of the day, this is usually illustration or design of some kind, whether it's for a client, a craft product or just ideas I had kicking about in my head. Sometimes I have kits or new products to photograph for my shop or my NOTHS shop.

Around lunch time, B gets in from work, he'll grab the bags of post and head straight back out to the post office while I put on the coffee machine and find something for lunch. We take a quick half an hour to eat lunch and have a coffee together and then I get back to my desk. Sometimes B will help me with organising stock or chasing up payments or orders, otherwise he does things around the house and takes Fuzzybutt for a walk. We also spend time taking in deliveries of stock or new products from clients and the normal post etc... most of which B deals with! I get back to my illustration until around 5. B then cooks dinner while I reply to emails that have come in throughout the day. After a quick dinner togther I have my second bubble bath of the day and unwind, sometimes I have a half hour power nap on the sofa while B watches TV. B goes off to bed around 10pm and I'll then head to my studio to create things for magazines, shows, clients or my blog or I'm back at my desk to work on illustrations and other projects until around 2am I then try and spend around an hour doing some writing for my book before I go to bed around 3am. I'm usually just dropping off to sleep as I hear B's alarm going off at 4am for him to head to work.

It's a hectic schedule and it keeps me very busy but I love every second of it! :o)

Now I must be off for that dinner and bubble bath before I head back to my desk for the night - I'm finishing off volume 2 of the Sarah Hurley Lookbook, and it's coming together a treat - I can't wait to share it with you all later this week!

Thank you for dropping by today.
Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. Hard work breeds success but it is worth nothing if not enjoyed and appreciated - I am certain you fulfil those ambitions, Sarah, and deserve every good fortune. Well done B too.
